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Protista and Fungi Notes

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19.1: Protists The World of Protists What is a Protist? Kingdom Protista contains the most diverse group of organisms of all kingdoms Most are unicellular (diatoms), but some are multicellular (giant kelp). Some are heterotrophs, some are autotrophs and others are both. The characteristic that all protists share is that they are eukaryotes Protists are divided into animal-like protists, funguslike protists and plantlike protists. Protozoa: animal-like protist, all are unicellular Algae: plant-like protists, do not have roots, stems and leaves Unicellular algae produce most of the world?s oxygen and are the basis for aquatic food chains Fungus-like protists are able to move at some point in their life and do not have chitin in their cell walls What is a protozoan?

Fungi Notes

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20.1: Fungi What is a fungus? The Characteristics of Fungi Fungi are eukaryotes, use spores to reproduce and are heterotrophs. Fungi need moist, warm places to grow Most are multicellular, yeasts are unicellular Hyphae: branching threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungi Fuzzy looking molds have loosely tangled hyphae. The stalk and cap of mushrooms are closely packed hyphae. Mycelium: a complex network of branching hyphae may serve to anchor the fungus, invade food sources, form reproductive structures Cell walls of must fungi contain a complex carbohydrate called chitin Cross walls called septa divide hyphae into individual cells that contain one or more nuclei Pores in the septa let cytoplasm, organelles and nutrients flow throughout the fungus


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ABORTION Reasons for, advantages and disadvantages of abortions ABORTION ? An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a foetus or embryo. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced. ?Medical ?Surgical ?other METHODS OF CARRYING OUT AN ABORTION METHODS OF CARRYING OUT ABORTIONS MEDICAL METHOD ?Medical abortions" are non-surgical abortions that use pharmaceutical drugs, and are only effective in the first trimester of pregnancy. METHODS OF CARRYING OUT ABORTIONS SURGICAL METHOD ? In the first 12 weeks, suction-aspiration or vacuum abortion is the most common method. In manual vacuum aspiration

Ted Talk Questions on Sex

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Ted Talks Carin Bondar: The birds and the bees are just the beginning What is a hectocotylus? What did biologists think a hectocotylus was before discovering its true nature? Which species has the biggest penis? Which is more abundant: eggs or sperm? What is another way to say ?bed bug sex?? What can happen if female bed bug has too many stab wounds or if a stab wound gets infected? Why do female earwigs choose to have sex with the male earwigs with long appendages? What is coercion strategy? What is titillation strategy? What are some female animals who have penile clitoris?? Compare and contrast sexual intercourse between humans and sexual intercourse between other animals and species.

AP Biology Chapter 13 notes Campbell/Reece

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Chapter 13 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles Variations on a Theme Heredity The transmission of traits from one generation to the next Genetics The scientific study of heredity and hereditary variation 13.1 Offspring acquire genes from parents by inheriting chromosomes A. Inheritance of Genes Genes Coded information in the form of hereditary units These genes are the reason we look like our parents in some ways. Functions of genes: program cells to synthesize specific enzymes and other proteins All these functions lead to the inherited traits that you can often see DNA The way the genes are programmed, the language. Almost all DNA is in chromosomes in the nucleus (except small amt in mito/chloro) Gametes These are the reproductive cells (i.e. sperm and eggs)

AP bio summer hw ch 7 questions

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AP Biology Summer Assignment Unit 7: Plant Form and Function Ch. 35-39- Look through these 5 chapters and fine and list TWO concepts that seem interesting to you. Two Concepts that seem interesting to me are concept 37.1 ?Soil is a living, finite source? and concept 38.2 ?Flowering plants reproduce sexually, asexually, or both.?
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AP bio summer hw ch 4 questions

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AP Biology Summer Assignment Unit 4: Genetics Ch. 13- Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction and list the advantages and disadvantages of each type of reproduction. Also, describe the most significant differences between mitosis and meiosis.

Seed Worksheet

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? SECTION 22.3 ?SEED DISPERSAL AND GERMINATION Power Notes ? ? Seeds can be spread by go through a period called 1. ? begin to grow in a process called ? 2. 4. 6. ? 3. which is beneficial because ?during which 7. ? 5. Germination 1. Embryo takes up water: 2. Embryonic root: 3. Water activates enzymes: 4. Embryonic shoot: 5. Leaves: Unit 7 Resource Book Power Notes 63 McDougal Littell Biology ? CHAPTER 22 Plant Growth, Reproduction Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company
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AP Bio Reading Guide Answers CH 47

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Copyright ? 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. - 1 - Name _______________________ Period ___________ Chapter 47: Animal Development Overview 1. Before beginning this chapter let?s review the basic embryological stages common across a range of animal species. The basic embryological plan is zygote ? cleavage ? blastula ? gastrula ? organogenesis. Explain what each term means and how one stage leads to the next. Zygote: The product of a sperm and an egg fusing (i.e., fertilization) Cleavage: When a series of cell divisions divide or cleave the zygote into a many-celled embryo; typically rapid and lack accompanying cell growth, converting the embryo to a blastula Blastula: A hollow ball of cells that marks the end of the cleavage stage of an early embryo

Campbell ch 29

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Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land Chapter 29 Overview: The Greening of Earth For more than the first 3 billion years of Earth?s history, the terrestrial surface was lifeless Cyanobacteria likely existed on land 1.2 billion years ago Around 500 million years ago, small plants, fungi, and animals emerged on land ? 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Since colonizing land, plants have diversified into roughly 290,000 living species Land plants are defined as having terrestrial ancestors, even though some are now aquatic Land plants do not include photosynthetic protists (algae) Plants supply oxygen and are the ultimate source of most food eaten by land animals ? 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 29.1 1 ?m Concept 29.1: Land plants evolved from green algae


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