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united states

Chapter 34 Outline

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Chapter 34 Outline FDR: Politician in a Wheelchair Eleanor Roosevelt: first lady, Roosevelt?s cousin and wife, more active first lady, fought for the impoverished and oppressed Presidential Hopefuls of 1932 New Deal: for the ?forgotten man? ?Brains Trust?: small group of reform-minded intellectuals, credited for writing FDR?s campaign speeches ?The Worst is Past?: Hoover?s campaigning tried to cover up the depression Hoover?s Humiliation in 1932 FDR: won the presidential election, wouldn?t accept Hoover?s burdens while not yet in office Hooverites: blamed Roosevelt for allowing the depression to worsen after the results but before his inauguration FDR and the Three R?s: Relief, Recovery, Reform ?Money changers?: declared that gov. must wage war on the GD, denounced by FDR

Chapter 33 Outline

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Chapter 33 Outline Catherine Snyder The Republican ?Old Guard? Returns Warren G Harding: became president in 1921, was a people-person, couldn?t see the immoral-ness in his associates Charles Evans Hughes: secretary of state, conservative leadership Andrew W. Mellon: new secretary of treasury, multimillionaire Herbert Hoover: secretary of commerce, wartime food administrator, important in foreign trade for US manufacturers Senator Albert B. Fall: New Mexico, anticonservationist, secretary of the interior Harry M. Daugherty: deceiving attorney general GOP Reaction at the Throttle Old Guard: wanted to get rid of progressive reforms and go back to laissez-faire government to the extent of guiding business to profit Taft: new chief justice, more liberal

Chapter 32 Outline

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Chapter 32 Outline Catherine Snyder Seeing Red Bolshevik Revolution: spread some Communism into America ?Red Scare?: 1919-1920, crisis where suspected Communism was heavily questioned and punished Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer: rounded up suspected communists excessively Buford: 249 alleged alien radicals were deported to Russia IWW: members were often persecuted along with other radicals Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK Ku Klux Klan: spawned by postwar reaction, more so resembled antiforeign nativist movements (antiforeign, anti-Catholic, anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-pacifist, anti-Communist, anti-internationalist, anti-evolutionist, anti-bootlegger, antigambling, anti-adultery, anti-birth control) Stemming the Foreign Flood

Chapter 30Outline

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Chapter 30 Outline The ?Bull Moose? Campaign of 1912 Progressive Republican Party: the third party that Roosevelt was nominated president, Jane Addams even promoted Roosevelt for nominee, Christianity enthralled the Progressive convention; guaranteed Democratic win by Roosevelt and Taft splitting the Republican Party vote; campaigned for woman suffrage and a broad program of social welfare The Promise of American Life: Roosevelt?s New Nationalism strategies, favored continued consolidation of trusts and labor unions, and the growth of powerful regulatory agencies in Washington Election of 1912: gave voters the choice in not only of policies but also political and economic philosophies, Roosevelt was shot so suspended active campaigning for 2 weeks Woodrow Wilson: A Minority President

Chapter 29 Outline

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Chapter 29 Outline Progressive Roots Wealth against Commonwealth: by Henry Lloyd, against the Standard Oil Company The Theory of the Leisure Class: by Thorstein Veblen against ?predatory wealth? and ?conspicuous consumption? How the Other Half Lives: by Danish immigrant journalist Jacob A. Riis, shocked middle-class, depicted the terrors of the New York slums Jane Addams/Lillian Wald: urban pioneers, helped to fuel feminist movement to improve living conditions of the families in cities Raking Muck with the Muckrakers (Culture Exposing) Muckrakers: journalists who worked to get stories of evil- that the people could love to hate Lincoln Steffens: wrote "The Shame of the Cities" which exposed alliance between big business and gov.

Chapter 28 Outline

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Chapter 28 Outline Catherine Snyder, P.1 ?Little Brown Brothers? in the Philippines Water cure: forcing water down victim?s throats until they yielded information or died Reconcentration camps: established most likely by Weyler Philippine Commission: established by President McKinley to make recommendations ?Little brown brothers?: Taft grew close to the Filipinos and that?s what they called him Benevolent assimilation: McKinley?s policy for the Philippines Hinging the Open Door in China Chinese markets: afraid they would be monopolized by Europeans Open Door note: given by Secretary of State John Hay, urged them to announce that in their spheres of influence they would respect certain Chinese rights and the ideal of fair competition

Chapter 27 Outline

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Chapter 27 Outline Catherine Snyder, P. 1 Imperialist Stirrings ?Yellow press?: described foreign exploits as manly adventures Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis: by Josiah Strong, encouraged missionaries in imperialism Theodore Roosevelt/Congressman Henry Cabot Lodge: believed in social Darwinism, needed to prove America?s dominance The Influence of Sea Power upon History: by Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, argued that control of the sea was the key to world dominance, stimulated naval race among the great powers ?Big Sister? policy: pushed for by James G. Blaine, aimed to rally Latin American (LA) nations behind the US (leader)

Chapter 26 Outline

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Chapter 26 Outline The Clash of Cultures on the Plains Plains Indians: often fought one another, very scattered, not really organized beyond nomadic family groups Fort Laramie and Fort Atkinson: US tried to make peace treaties with various tribes, marked beginning of reservation system Buffalo Soldiers: 1/5 of US Army were black at the time Receding Native Population Colonel J. M. Chivington: his militia massacred 400 Indians at Sand Creek, CO Fetterman massacre: 1866 Sioux war party ambushed Fetterman?s troop and killed all Treaty of Fort Laramie: US abandoned Bozeman Trail, gave Sioux the Great Sioux Reservation


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