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united states

APUSH Brinkley 10th edition chapter 28.2 & 29.1

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? Chapter?28.2,?29.1:?Defeat?of?the?Axis,?The?Origins?of?the?Cold?War? ? Luftwaffe? German?air?force.?Relocated?much?of?its? strength?in?Germany?&?engage?ally?forces.? Became?a?less?formidable?obstacle?to?allies.? D?Day,?Normandy?(June?6,?1944)? Cotentin?Peninsula.?Airplanes?&?battleships? bombarded?Nazis,?4,000?vessels?landed? troops?and?supplies.?German?forces? dislodged?from?whole?Normandy?coast.? Radar?and?sonar? Radio?detection?and?ranging.?Sound? navigation?and?ranging.?Technique?used?to? navigate?underwater.? Ultra?and?Magic? Sophisticated?German?coding?device.?Allies? broke?the?most?secret?German?codes.? General?Dwight?D.?Eisenhower? Supreme?Commander?of?the?allied?forces? sent?out?his?armada?(warships)?into?D?Day.?

APUSH Brinkley 10th edition chapter 30.1

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Chapter?30.1:?The?Economic??Miracle?,?People?of?Plenty? ? UNIVAC? ?Line?of?electronic?digital?stored?program? computers.? IBM? International?Business?Machines.?Created?the? 1st?modern?computer?(Mark?I)?as?a?result?of? efforts?during?World?War?II.? baby?boom? Began?during?World?War?II?&?peaked?in?1957.? Led?to?increase?in?? New?Economics? Keynesian?economics.?By?varying?the?flow?of? govt.?spending?&?taxation?(fiscal?policy)?and? managing?the?supply?of?currency?(monetary? policy)?the?govt.?could?stimulate?the?econ.? ?postwar?contract?? Large?labor?unions?relationship?w/?employers.? Workers?in?large?unionized?industries?were? receiving?benefits?in?return?unions?agreed?not? to?raise?other?issues.? AFL?CIO?(December?1955)? American?Federation?of?Labor?&?Congress?of?

Chapter 26 American Pageant

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Chapter 26 - The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution I. The Clash of Cultures on the Plains After the Civil War, the Great West was still relatively untamed, wild, full of Indians, bison, and wildlife, and sparsely populated by a few Mormons and Mexicans. As the White settlers began to populate the Great West, the Indians, caught in the middle, increasingly turned against each other, were infected with White man?s diseases, and stuck battling to hunt the few remaining bison that were still ranging around. The Sioux, displaced by Chippewas from the their ancestral lands at the headwaters of the Mississippi in the late 1700s, expanded at the expense of the Crows, Kiowas, and Pawnees, and justified their actions by reasoning that White men had done the same thing to them.

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 17 notes

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t I. The Accession of ?Tyler Too? Harrison was a figure head real leaders were Webster and Clay- Harrison died of pneumonia He didn?t like the dictator tactics of Jackson- Tyler was a ex-Democrat Was a Whig but embraced the Jeffersonian states? righters- at odds with majority of his party He believed opposite of pro-bank, pro-tariff- pro-internal improvements II. John Tyler: A President Without a Party The Whig platform started with the Whig Congress passing a law to end the independent treasury- Tyler signed, Clay drew up a bill for a new Bank of the United States- Tyler vetoed it

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 16 notes

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I. ?Cotton Is King!? Eli Whitney aided to rise of slave use in the South Quick profits drew planters to the bottomlands of the Gulf states Planters bought more slaves and more land in order to buy more slaves and more land Northern shippers made profit from the trade Cotton accounted for half of American imports after 1840 and the South produced more than half of all the cotton in the world- Britain highly depended on this cotton II. The Planter ?Aristocracy? The government of the South was more run by a planter aristocracy The planter aristocrats enjoyed large shares of wealth, able to educate their children in the finest schools

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 11 notes

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I. Federalist and Republican Mudslingers Hamilton wrote a pamphlet against Adams- JDR?s published it- angered by Adams not going to war with the French ? Preparations were already set for war by the Federalists In response Federalists attacked Jefferson- talking about robbery and intimate relations with slaves- which was true II. The Jeffersonian ?Revolution of 1800? Jefferson won by a majority of 73 to 65- NY was the deciding state 3/5 compromise was helpful for Jefferson

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 10 notes

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I. Growing Pains First census of 1790 recorded 4 million people Philadelphia was the largest city Population was 90% rural Trans-Appalachian overflow was concentrated in Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio II. Washington for President G. Wash was unanimously drafted President- he was a big man- had smallpox He wasn?t a great politician but a man of character On his way to NYC (temporary capital), there were ceremonies and parades He established a cabinet : SECRETARY OF STATE-THOMAS JEFFERSON, of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and of War Henry Know III. The Bill of Rights

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 9 notes

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American Revolution wasn?t really a revolution, more like an evolution Loyalist Exodus destroyed most of the Upper Crust and elites which allowed Patriots to become elites I. The Pursuit of Equality Society of Cincinnati- Continental Army officers who formed an exclusive hereditary order Fight for separation between Church and State The Congregational Church was still legally established in New England still but the Anglican Church, with association to the crown, was disestablished and formed the Episcopal Church

New Deal Era

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rising discontentment resulted as U.S. citizens came to detest Hoover, naming shantytowns ?Hoovervilles? and naming newspapers ?Hoover blankets? farmers began to rise up & protest in the election of 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) was elected the New Deal programs were to serve the three R?s: relief for the people, recovery for business & economy, & reform of U.S. economic institutions The bread line ?Migrant Mother? The New Deal 1933-1939 The New Deal represented a new form of liberalism, the ideology of individual rights that had long shaped the character of US. society & politics. Now, ?social welfare? liberalism expanded individual rights by protecting citizens w/various social welfare programs. FDR takes office in March of 1933 20th Amendment was ratified in 1933


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