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Absolutism: North American Colonial Wars Absolutism in Europe was a theory of kingship whereby the monarch ruled a centralized state with absolute sovereignty. Possessing unlimited power, he was not subject to any laws but those of God. Absolutism prevailed from the fifteenth century to the end of the eighteenth century and was often used as a unifying force in the consolidation of nation-states. Today, an absolute monarch would be known as a dictator.


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Functionalism formed as a reaction to the theories of the structuralist school of thought and was heavily influenced by the work of the American philosopher and psychologist William James. James felt that psychology should have practical value, and that psychologists should find out how the mind can function to a person's benefit. In his book, Principles of Psychology, published in 1890, he laid the foundations for many of the questions that psychologists would explore for years to come. Other major functionalist thinkers included John Dewey and Harvey Carr.


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Rescorla-Wagner (1972) Theory of Classical Conditioning

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Rescorla-Wagner (1972) Theory of Classical Conditioning Rescorla-Wagner Theory (1972) Organisms only learn when events violate their expectations (like Kamin?s surprise hypothesis) Expectations are built up when ?significant? events follow a stimulus complex These expectations are only modified when consequent events disagree with the composite expectation Rescorla-Wagner Theory These concepts were incorporated into a mathematical formula: Change in the associative strength of a stimulus depends on the existing associative strength of that stimulus and all others present If existing associative strength is low, then potential change is high; If existing associative strength is high, then very little change occurs

The Earths and its People (Important ppl) ch 12 13

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1.? Ptolemy ? Geocentric Theory - 90-168 C.E. ? He was the Egyptian astronomer (and other careers, mathematician, astrologist, etc.) that created the cosmological model for his geocentric theory (the Earth is the center of the universe, everything rotates around it).? Islamic scientists (Nasar al-Din) were greatly influenced by Ptolemy?s theory and even came up with their own explanations and models of the geocentric theory. ? 2.? King Lalibela ? Sculpted Churches - r. 1180-1220 C.E. ? He was the ruler of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia. ??As part of his new capital, Lalibela, he directed Ethiopian sculptors to carve eleven churches out of solid rock, each commemorating a sacred Christian site in Jerusalem.? They were constructed from 1200-1230 C.E. approx. ?


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