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Protist Notes

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Protist Notes Protists Protists belong to the Kingdom Protista, which includes mostly unicellular organisms that do not fit into the other kingdoms. Characteristics of Protists mostly unicellular, some are multicellular (algae) can be heterotrophic or autotrophic most live in water (though some live in moist soil or even the human body) ALL are eukaryotic (have a nucleus) A protist is any organism that is not a plant, animal or fungus Protista?= the very first Classification of Protists how they obtain nutrition how they move Animallike Protists - also called protozoa (means "first animal") - heterotrophs Plantlike Protists - also called algae - autotrophs Funguslike Protists - heterotrophs, decomposers, external digestion .Animallike Protists: Protozoans

Protista Notes

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19.1: Protists The World of Protists What is a Protist? Kingdom Protista contains the most diverse group of organisms of all kingdoms Most are unicellular (diatoms), but some are multicellular (giant kelp). Some are heterotrophs, some are autotrophs and others are both. The characteristic that all protists share is that they are eukaryotes Protists are divided into animal-like protists, funguslike protists and plantlike protists. Protozoa: animal-like protist, all are unicellular Algae: plant-like protists, do not have roots, stems and leaves Unicellular algae produce most of the world?s oxygen and are the basis for aquatic food chains Fungus-like protists are able to move at some point in their life and do not have chitin in their cell walls What is a protozoan?

Virus, Bacteria, and Archaea Notes

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18.1: Viruses and Bacteria Viruses What is a Virus? Virus: composed of nucleic acids enclosed in a protein coat and are smaller than the smallest bacterium Biologists consider viruses to be nonliving because viruses are not cells. Viruses do not carry out respiration, grow or develop. Viruses can only multiply when they are inside a living cell. Host cell: cell in which a virus replicates Almost all viruses are parasites because they destroy the cells in which they multiply. Viruses can infect the organisms of all six kingdoms. Because viruses are not alive, scientists do not use binomial nomenclature to name them.


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Biology 160 Study Guide #5 1. Be able to write the basic reaction that describes cellular respiration 2. What are the three main stages of cellular respiration? Be able to say what goes in and what comes out of each of these stages. 3. What is chemiosmosis (be able to describe the process)? 4. What is the form of energy actually used by your body? 5. What happens if you don?t have oxygen? 6. What is fermentation? 7. Be able to describe how the three main forms of nutrition are used for energy or made by the reverse of these cycles. 8. What is the basic mechanism responsible for global warming? 9. What are the central themes in the theory of natural selection? 10. How has the fossil record been preserved?


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How Populations Evolve Historical Theories ? Anaximander (~2500 yrs ago) ? Aristotle ? Georges Buffon (1700?s) ? Jean Baptist Lemark (late 1700?s - early1800?s) ? Erasmus Darwin Charles Darwin 18591874 Voyage of the HMS Beagle On the Origin of Species? ? Descent With Modification ? By means of Natural Selection Support for Descent with Modification ? Biogeography ? Fossil Record ? Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology ? Comparative Anatomy ?Biogeography ? Biogeography, the geographic distribution of species ? Darwin noted that Gal?pagos animals resembled species of the South American mainland more than animals on similar but distant islands The study of fossils provides strong evidence for evolution


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Miles Diehl 5th period 10/26/2013 All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. The cell is the most basic unit of structure, function, and organization in all organisms. All cells come from pre-existing, living cells. It is important because it describes the properties of cells, and the basic unit of structure in every living thing. Matthias Jakob Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow together formulated the cell theory.

AP Biology Chapter 19 Notes Campbell/Reece

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AP Biology ? Chapter 19 Viruses ? Overview: A Borrowed Life ? Viruses:???????? Basically just genes packaged in protein coats. ??????????????????????? They lack the structures and metabolic machinery found in cells ? ? Are viruses living or nonlinving? -??????????? They cannot reproduce or carry out metabolic activities outside of a host cell ? so they are kind of between living and non-living (hence ?A borrowed life?. ? ? A lot of what we know about molecular biology comes from the study of viruses ? a lot of the information about genes and nucleic acids. ? ??????????? The ability to manipulate genes and transfer them comes from the study of viruses ??????????? Viruses are used as the agents of gene transfer in gene therapy. ? ? ? ?

virus/bacteria worksheet

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www.LessonPlansInc.com Topic: Introductory Bacteria and Virus Worksheet Summary: Students answer introductory questions about bacteria and viruses. Goals & Objectives: Students will be able to determine the difference between bacteria, viruses and animal/plant cells. Students will be able to remember important facts about viruses and bacteria. Standards: CA 1c. Students know how prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells (including those from plants and animals), and viruses differ in complexity and general structure. Time Length: 30 minutes Materials: ? Class textbook ? Photocopied worksheets ? Pencils or pens Procedures: 1. Tell the students which section they are to use in the textbook. Students are then going

Cell Biology Review

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David Kim 4/2/14 Dr. Oliveira AP Biology All cells have plasma membranes, cytosol, chromosomes and ribosomes. Prokaryotic cells do not have nuclei so the genetic information is in what is called the nucleoid. Prokaryotes also lack membrane bound organelles. Eukaryotic cells have genetic information known as DNA bound by a nuclear envelope. They also have membrane bound organelles like the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi apparatus.


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