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Evolutionary biology

Weather Station Models

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87 87 87 How to convert between station model number and actual barometric pressure: If the first number is less than or equal to 5, place a 10 in front of the number and a decimal between the last two digits If the first number is greater than 5 place a nine in front of the number and a decimal between the last two digits. * * *
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Humidity Moisture content of the atmosphere Relative Humidity ? the percentage of saturation of the air. 50% humidity means that the air is holding half of the water it is capable of holding 100% humidity is when the air is holding all of the water vapor it can possibly hold ? air is fully saturated and probably precipitating This represents a parcel of air 20 ?C 0 ?C 10 ?C This is moisture 20 ?C HOW FULL IS IT? How could this air mass become 100% full? 10 ?C 0 ?C 20 ?C Drop its temp! What are two ways that nature changes R.H.? What is the Dew Point Temperature? The temperature to which the air mass must drop down to so that R.H is 100% At this point the air is said to be SATURATED

Sedimentary Rocks

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SEDIMENTARY ROCKS LITHIFICATION Layered Sedimentary Rocks: Grand Canyon Grand Canyon Types of Sedimentary Rocks 1. Clastic (broken)/Fragmental Form from the compaction and cementation of broken sediments Which one is a conglomerate? Rounded fragments Angular fragments Conglomerate Breccia Sandstone Formed from the compaction and cementation of Sand grains Rocky Beach Sandy Beach Siltstone Compaction of: Silt! Shale ? compaction of: clay Layers of shale 2. Chemical/Crystalline Formed from materials once dissolved in water Evaporates/Precipitates (ex: Rock salt ? salt dissolves in water, water evaporates, salt hardens) Rock Salt ? forms from the mineral: Halite Salt Fields Rock Gypsum ? forms from the mineral: Gypsum Dolostone


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What are 3 major variables that affect our weather? WATCH THE VIDEO! Factors that affect Temperature What is moisture? Water found in one of its three forms: 1. SOLID (ICE/SNOW) 2. LIQUID (RAIN) 3. GAS (WATER VAPOR) Precipitation is moisture that FALLS from the atmosphere above. Precipitation cleans the atmosphere of condensation nuclei Why does precipitation occur? Air can only hold a certain amount of water vapor before it will overfill and condense This is known as capacity ROOM FOR ONE MORE???? What temp. air can hold more W.V.? Warm air can hold MORE water vapor WHY????? Cold air holds LESS water vapor Every 10 degree Celsius increase doubles the air?s capacity Every 10 degree Celsius decrease cuts capacity in half * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Air Pressure

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Air Pressure The weight of the air above Earth?s surface Thanks to gravity, the atmosphere has weight. What affects air pressure? Altitude ? air pressure decreases the higher you go up 2 miles up Sea level Decreasing Air Pressure Higher Concentration of air molecules Gravity forces most air molecules to remain close to Earth?s surface Cold air is more dense than warm air Cold air has higher air pressure because the molecules are closer together v v COLD HOT Warm air has LESS air pressure because molecules are farther apart COLD HOT Which air mass can hold more water vapor? v v COLD HOT v v c COLD HOT Air Molecule Water Molecule Warmer air can hold more water molecules than cooler air

Bantu Timeline

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The Bantu People Migration from 3000 BCE?1100 CE through Sub-Saharan Africa By Priyanka Juneja, Sasha Ree, and Lauretta Zhao Regional Impact ? Central Africa Society subsistence farming pastoral pursuits gongs or iron bells of African music are products of Bantu?s introduction of metal to society permanent homes Economy Lived in villages and farmed along river banks Introduced new crop like bananas and yams More efficient food production Technology more efficient food production methods introduced as they brought with them agricultural technologies introduced pottery and metal working technologies like iron Art/Architecture masks created the Kuba a Bantu people


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What about clouds? What are clouds? Large masses of millions of water droplets suspended in air Water evaporates from lakes, streams, and oceans and enters into the air Transpiration ? the loss of water from plants through their leaves Evapotranspiration ? combines evaporation and transpiration Example of Transpiration: Cloud Forest Steps involved in cloud formation: ?..Warm, MOIST air RISES ?.a drop in air pressure causes?.. ?.Expansion and the air Cools .... Water vapor then?.. ??..Condenses on?? ?..Condensation Nuclei (a surface upon which condensation droplets can stick on. Ex: dirt, salt, smoke) ??..Clouds form!!! Condensation Nuclei Size comparison between raindrop and condensation nuclei Cirrus clouds ? High altitude clouds Cumulus Clouds

Pins and Needles

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Pins and Needles Thematic Overview Suggested Character Analysis Format Character Analysis: Questions are in red, throughout the packet. Thematic Overview of Pins and Needles ?Sing Me a Song of Social Significance? Too many Broadway musicals are too pappy, silly, and stupid! This song is a call to action for other songs that touch on more important issues, such as the state of war and peace in the world, the struggles of the working class, and cultural trends. I want a song that?s satirical? all the other songs in this play are satirical, about political and social trends. What is the ?social significance? of the song(s) your character appears in? Social Significance is about what to sing about and what is significant in the world

Bantu Migrations

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WHY DO PEOPLE MIGRATE? Push Factors Why people want to leave a place. Their lives might be in danger (war, famine) There may be limited economic opportunity Family members may have died or moved Pull Factors Why people are attracted to a new place. The new place might be more secure There may be more available jobs Relatives or friends may be there already REASONS FOR THE BANTU MIGRATION The reasons for the migration of the Bantu are not known but most likely included the following: Drought and famine: The Bantu moved to escape famine, which was a result of overcrowding and drought. The climate in their cradle land had become unreliable/unpredictable.

Chapter 30: Turning Inward: Society and Politics from Ford to BushSociety, Politics, and World Events from Ford to Reagan, 1974-

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? ? Textbook Site for: The Enduring Vision, Fifth Edition Paul S. Boyer, University of Wisconsin, Madison Clifford E. Clark, Jr., Carleton College et al. Chapter Summary Chapter 30: Turning Inward: Society and Politics from Ford to BushSociety, Politics, and World Events from Ford to Reagan, 1974-1989 Chapter Themes The social activism of the 1960s had changed to a new mood. Some social trends and movements rooted in the 1960s survived and grew but millions of young people turned from public to private concerns that easily became self-centered materialism. Environmental consciousness was still present, and by the late 1970s it particularly targeted the nuclear power industry. One permanent


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