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Atlantic slave trade

Chapter 2

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Elizabeth I An English Protestant queen, she supported the plundering of Spanish ships. Ireland Catholic land ruled by England, sought Spanish support, to no avail. Sir Francis Drake An English pirate secretly supported by Elizabeth to plunder Spanish ships. Sir Walter Raleigh An English courtier, Raleigh failed to establish the Roanoke colony. Roanoke An attempt at colonizing America, but the colonists disappeared. Spanish Armada Spain?s attempt to counter English piracy, a remarkable failure. Enclosing The fencing of private lands, forcing farmers off of land or into tenancy. Joint-stock company A company of investors who pooled their money to fund exploration. primogeniture Laws decreeing that only eldest sons can inherit landed estates. James I

slavery in the history of the U.S

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Slavery, in the history of the US, was a source for change for American society, politics, and the economy. This response paper answers how slavery shaped social and economic development in the United States before the Civil War.

slavery in the us history

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Slavery, in the history of the US, was a source for change for American society, politics, and the economy. This response paper answers how slavery shaped social and economic development in the United States before the Civil War.


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Jon Mathis AP Modern American History Mr. Watson Period 3 September 18, 2013 American Life in the Seventeenth Century A. The Unhealthy Chesapeake American wilderness was unforgiving. Malaria, dysentery, and typhoid killed lots of people. Average life expectancy was below 50. Women were so scarce that men fought over all of them One third of all brides in one Maryland county were already pregnant before the wedding Virginia had the highest population B. The Tobacco Economy The Chesapeake was very good for tobacco production Chesapeake Bay exported 1.5 million pounds of tobacco yearly in the 1630s, and by 1700, it increased to 40 million pounds a year a. More availability led to falling prices b. A system encouraged growth of the Chesapeake

world history review 3

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AP Multiple Choice Questions 1750 ? 1914 The first successful revolution in the Caribbean and South America was launched in: a) Haiti b) Argentina c) Cuba d) Colombia e) Jamaica Answer: A In the nineteenth century, women?s use of bound feet (China), white face paint (Japan), and corsets (Western Europe) are examples of which of the following? a) Practices that inhibit female activities b) The beauty of middle-class women c) Fashions that spread worldwide d) The middle class? setting the fashion for women e) Women?s participation in the workforce Answer: A ?Extraterritoriality? can best be described as which of the following? a) Exemption of foreigners from the laws of the country in which they live

world history review 2

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AP World History Questions 1450-1750 ?Sir, many of our people, keenly desirous of the wares and things of your Kingdom, which are brought here by your people, and in order to satisfy their voracious appetite, seize many of our people, freed and exempt men, and they kidnap even nobles and the sons of nobles, and our relatives, and take them to be sold to the Whites who are in our Kingdoms.? The quotation above comes from a 1526 letter to a European monarch from a king located: a) on the eastern coast of Africa b) on the western coast of Africa c) on the Pacific coast of Central America d) on the Pacific coast of South America e) in the Pacific Islands Answer: B The economies of the southern colonies of colonial British America developed most like colonial economies in:

World history review unit 3

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Unit III (1450-1750) PRACTICE TEST QUESTIONS The chart above shows that: A. Silver tended to ?flow? from Asia to Western Europe. B. Silver exports from Japan exceeded those of the New World. C. Silver production in the New World decreased from the 16th to the 18th century. D. China was the final destination for much of the silver produced from the 16th to the 18th century. E. Manila was the world?s leading consumer of silver bullion. D 2. Which reason did not contribute to the Netherlands becoming an economic success in the 1600s? a. rational economic behavior brought about by Calvinism. b. the development of more efficient merchant ships. c. conveniently located deposits of iron. d. immigration of Spanish dominion refugees. e. government policies that promoted trade. C

chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Africa and the atlantic World: Cool story: Thomas Peters crossed atlantic 4 times, was from west Africa, and was first captured and sold to French to Louisiana, but tried to escape so he was sold to Scottish. As English prepare to rebel, slaves looked for personal freedom and joined the Black Pioneers who fought for British rule, but when colonists won he fled to Nova scotia, but Peters was seen as a spokesman for black families and he went to London and back and then to Sierra Leone with blacks to settle there. AFRICAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY IN EARLY MODERN TIMES

post classical africa

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Post classical states and societies of Sub-Sahara Africa Political: Sundiata-founder of Mali empire in west Africa in the 13th century, oral tradition tells of him by professional singers and storytellers called griots. His father ruled a small west African kingdom, but sundiata had a defective leg and was crippled. When enemies killed his family, he learned the bow in the woods. Sundiata was sent to another kingdom where he assembled a cavalry and posed as a warrior. 1235 he returns and claims throne, and builds a capital at Niani, soon becoming a commercial center Between 1000-1500 CE people of sub Saharan Africa expand and do interregional trade. Also had indian ocean trade By 1000 ce bantus are in most Africa south of equator, while kushite, Sudanese, and others have communities

american pagent ch 15&16 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 11-18-13 Vocab ch 15, 16, & 17 APUSH Chapter 15 Ralph Waldo Emerson- Wrote the popular lecture-essay ?Self-Reliance?. Insurmountable- Too great to be overcome ?Kentucky Bluegrass?- European bluegrass that thrived on charred canefields and made ideal pastures for livestock, luring Americans into Kentucky. George Catlin- A painter and student of Native American life. Was one of the first Americans to push for the preservation of nature as a national policy. He observed Sioux Indians slaughter buffalo in 1832 in order to trade the animal?s tongues for the white man?s whiskey. He was appalled by this and proposed the creation of a national park, beginning with Yellowstone Park in 1872. ?Queen of the South?- What New Orleans was called.


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