The Cold War World: Global Politics, Economic Recovery, and Cultural Change
87Kinberg, Nicholas Michael Chakmakian AP European History 4 June 2015 Chapter 17 Outline Cold War: Global Politics, Econ. Recovery, Cultural Change 1m?s of Euro refugees trekked100s/1k?s of mi. on foot to return to homes Housing was nonexistent; 1946, 100m Euros lived on <1.5k cal/day Fam?s. scraped vegetables from gardens/traded smuggled goods on black market Gov?t?s rationed food; winter 1946, had no fuel Coal, prewar supply, couldn?t be transported to needy areas 2 powers emerged, US/USSR, dev. Of ?Cold War? Cold War divided Euro, East occupied by USSR, West by US Led to political/econ. Integration, resulting in Euro Common Market in West/socialist bloc dominated by USSR inEast Collapse of empires/creation of nations raised stakes of Cold War