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7th Edition Psych Wayne Weiten Ch.7 Outline

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Process of memory begins with encoding. Attention is inherently selective and has been compared to a filter According to levels of processing theory, the kinds of memory codes people create depend on which aspects of a stimulus are emphasized deeper processing results in better recall of information. Structural, phonemic, and semantic encoding represent progressively deeper and more effective levels of processing Elaboration enriches encoding by linking stimulus to other info. Visual imagery may work in much the same way creating two memory codes rather than just one, encoding that emphasizes personal self-reference may be especially useful in facilitating retention

Psych ch 10 outline

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Emily Johnson Period 2 2/4/13 AP Psychology Outline Chapter 10: Motivation & Emotion Motivational Theories & Concepts Motivation ? Involves Goal-Directed Behavior Drive Theories Homeostasis ? A State of Physiological Equilibrium or Stability. Drive ? An Internal State of Tension that Motivates an Organism to Engage in Activities that should reduce this Tension. When you Experience Discomfort, An Internal Drive motivates you to Establish Homeostasis again. Drive Theories Don?t Explain All Motivation. Incentive Theory Incentive ? An External Goal that has the Capacity to Motivate Behavior. Incentive Theory revolves around External Stimuli, Not Internal like Drive Theory. Evolutionary Theory Motivation comes from Natural Selection.

Campbell Biology Ch 6 Study Guide

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CHAPTER 6 A TOUR OF THE CELL Learning objectives: How We Study Cells Distinguish between magnification and resolution. Magnification is how large it appears, resolution is how clear. Describe the principles, advantages, and limitations of the light microscope, transmission electron microscope, and scanning electron microscope. Light Microscope: Visible light comes through the bottom up to the lens. Can magnify up to 1000x and study living cells, but cannot view smaller objects such as cell organelles.

Campbell Biology Ch 7 Study Guide

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CHAPTER 7 MEMBRANE STUCTURE AND FUNCTION Membrane Structure Explain the meaning of the statement that phospholipids and most other membrane constituents are amphipathic molecules. It means that they have both a hydrophilic region and a hydrophobic region. Explain how the fluid mosaic model of a membrane is structured and the evidence that supports the model. The membrane is a fluid structure with a mosaic of various proteins embedded in or attached to a double layer of phospholipids. Using freeze-fracture to study cells under an electron microscope has shown a pattern that appears to agree with the fluid mosaic model. Describe the fluidity of the components of a cell membrane and explain how membrane fluidity is influenced by temperature and membrane composition.

Heritability Explanation

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Heritability appears in many texts in school. Heritability statistics rose from the work of Galton. It is a group statistic that makes no sense to apply to an individual. Heritability is the extent to which differences in the appearance of a trait across several people can be accounted for by differences in their genes. Heritability does not reflect the extent to which traits will be passed down from parent to offspring. The estimates usually come from twin studies. If IQ is very heritable, it means that individuals with the same genes have similar IQs and individuals with different genes have relatively different IQs. Problems arise when what IQ doesn?t mean is considered.

Psychology: Disorders Help Sheets

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Anxiety disorders are a class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety. There are ?ve principal types of anxiety disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, phobic disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. They are not mutually exclusive.

Sleep Disorders

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Sleep Disorders Matt Barnett Insomnia: Insomnia is the inability to get sufficient sleep. Insomnia can also include constant interruption in sleep, like waking up frequently throughout the night. It can be transient (only a few nights), short-term (2-4 weeks), or chronic (most nights for a period of over a month). There are a few treatment options however. Many patients will use sleeping pills to help them fall and stay asleep. Many behavioral techniques can be used to combat insomnia as well, like utilizing relaxation. Because of the causes of insomnia, like anxiety, it may be more beneficial to treat the symptoms than the effects.

Biology Chapter 20 Study Guide

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Biology: Ch. 20 Study Guide Explain how advances in recombinant DNA technology have helped scientists study the eukaryotic genome. In short: Recombinant DNA has allowed the creation of the biotechnology industry. Longer explanation: Recombinant DNA is DNA in which nucleotide sequences from two different sources ? often different species ? are combined in vitro into the same DNA molecule. Once created by scientists, it is introduced into cultured cells that replicate the DNA and express its genes, creating a desired protein product. This has allowed genetic engineering (the direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes), which has created the biotech industry. Explain the goals of the Human Genome Project.

AP Psychology Final Study Guide

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Psychology ? Eighth Edition by David G. Myers AP Psychology Final Study Guide History and Statistics 1) Validity ? the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to. (See also content validity and predictive validity.) (p. 448) 2) Reliability ? the extent to which a test yields consistent results, as assessed by the consistency of scores on two halves of the test, on alternate forms of the test, or on retesting. (p. 448) 3) Standardization ? defining meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested standardization group. (p. 446)ontemporary psychology ? According to contemporary psychologists, the unconscious is a type of information processing of which we are unaware. (p. 597)

AP Psychology Themes and Variations

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Chapter___14_____ Reading Notes Psychology Jillian Schneider Abnormal behavior: myths, realities, and controversies Medical model applied to abnormal behavior a. Medical Model ? Proposes to Think of Abnormal Behavior as a Disease. b. Thomas Szasz critiques medical model in that the mind can't get sick c. Diagnosis 1. Distinguishing 1 Illness from another. d. Etiology 1. Apparent Causation and Developmental History of an Illness. e. Prognosis 1. A Forecast about the Probable Course of an Illness. Criteria of abnormal behavior a. Criteria include 1. Deviance - difference from what society expect 2. Maladaptive Behavior - everyday adaptive ability is impaired 3. Personal Distress - how much distress the person is being caused


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