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The seven major foundatuon foods

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For each one of the seven major foods: 5 dates with corresponding facts Total 35 dates 35 corresponding facts Within dates, (at least) 2 regions of the world affected by the major foods -in each of the 6 sections?!?!?! Icon for each date that reflects the food 600 CE 1500 BCE 1492 CE 1803 CE Maize 1500 B.C ? A process called nixtamalization is developed and carried out by the Aztecs. Nixtamalization is a process which renders the maize and its consumers safe from a nutritional disease called pellagra caused by maize-heavy diets. 600 A.D ? Maize didn?t find its way up to modern day united states until now

Econ 5.04

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Corn Citrus Number of additional worker hours to produce one unit of citrus instead of one unit of corn United States 2 4 2 Developing Country B 8 10 2 Developed Country C 2 6 4 Apparel Computer Software Number of additional worker hours to produce one unit of computer software instead of apparel United States 2 4 2 Developing Country A 4 12 8 Developed Country D 2 4 2 Identify an example of absolute advantage relative to the United States from your data tables. Be sure to identify which country has absolute advantage (U.S. or other), the product, and data to support your claim. Tip: When considering absolute and comparative advantage, worker hours to produce one unit is a reflection of productivity.

Global Food Issues

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Global Food issues Food security and food insecurity Security= most or all people have access to nutritious food and live active, healthy lives Insecurity= people live with chronic hunger and poor nutrition - could be the result of poverty, wars, political upheaval, corruption and/or bad weather-global climate change Types of nutrients Macronutrients- nutrients we need in large amounts--- proteins carbohydrates lipids Micronutrients- nutrients we need in smaller amounts vitamins, A, iron, iodine Deficencies Malnutrition/ Undernutrition Kwashirokor- deficient in protein in otherwise adequate diet. Diet are usually high in carbs signs- ?flag of red hair?, swollen bellies, unresponsive Marasmus- deficient in both protein and calories

ch 10 APWH study aid notes

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Ch 10 Study Aid Notes. Extensive Agriculture Requires limited labor inputs or is spread across large areas of land or both. Staple Crop A crop that is produced in large to feed whole civilizations and societies. Mixed Farming Multiple crops and animals existing on a single farm to provide diverse nutritional intake and non-food items. General Farming Another name for mixed farming. Food Preservation Drying, pickling, storing, refrigerating, and cooking food. Specialized Crops sprout out from this idea. Plantation Crops. Plantation Crops Countries Banana Brazil, Dominica, Costa Rica, Honduras Cane Sugar US (Florida), Brazil, Cuba, China Coffee Ethiopia, Kenya, Colombia, Brazil, US Tea Sri Lanka, India, China, Thailand Rubber
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