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Identify how Theodora's Mosaic of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy reflects the period it was created in and what other cultural influence is evident?

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4.02 The work of art pictured is Theodora?s Mosaic in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy. Theodora was Justinian?s wife whom he married for love. Her humble origin set a precedent for empresses in a lower class chosen for their beauty. Theodora is shown wearing purple and abundance of jewels; even more than the mosaic opposite this one depicting Justinian. The connection between church and state are key elements to the mosaic. Theodora?s robe at the bottom shows the three magi from the nativity story. She is shown holding a cup used for Holy Communion. The bright and various colors of the robes of the courtiers are characteristic of Byzantine Art. The halo around Theodora?s head makes her seem as not just the Emperor?s wife but a Christian ruler in her own right.

Ap human geography

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1 Ch. 6 Religion Key Issue 1: Where are religions distributed? There are 2 types of religions: Universalizing- religions that attempt to be global and appeal to all people. Ethnic- religion that primarily appeals to one group of people living in one place. More closely tied to the physical geography of a particular region, especially with agriculture. Branch- a large fundamental division within a religion. Denomination- a division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations in a single legal and administrative body. Sect- a relatively small group that has broken away from an established denomination. Pilgrimage- a sacred religious journey. The 3 main universalizing religions are:

Ap human geography

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Geography of Religion Cultural Geography C.J. Cox Instructor Geography of Religion What is Religion? Major Religions & Divisions Religious Landscapes Religious Conflict and Interaction Religion A set of beliefs existence of a higher power, spirits or god an explanation of the origins and purpose of humans and their role on earth Which involves rituals, festivals, rites of passage and space (religious landscapes) Key Terms Universalizing Religion: attempts to appeal to all people, not just those living in a particular location. Proselytize: to try to convert people to one?s belief or opinion. Key Terms Ethnic Religions: concentrated spatial distribution whose principles are likely based on physical characteristics of a particular location. Key Terms

American Pageant Ch. 3 Notes

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Ch. 3: Settling the Northern Colonies ? Protestant reformation? Puritanism ? 1517: Martin Luther declares that the Bible alone is the source of God?s words, ignited fire of religious reform across Europe ? John Calvin of Geneva hears this, Calvinism becomes dominant religion ? God is all-powerful and all-good ? Humans are weak and wicked (b/c original sin, Adam and Eve) ? Good deeds don?t change your predestination ? Nobody can be certain of their fate, so they were always kind of freaking out about their fate ? Constantly sought signs of conversion (God reveals to someone they?re going to heaven) ? Henry VIII breaking ties w/ Roman Catholic Church, making himself head of Church of England (1530s) ? Enrolled all of king?s subjects, which means people going to


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CHAPTER8: AFRICAN CIVILIZATION AND THE SPREAD OF ISLAM Pp. 170-191 I. OVERVIEW A. Political 1. Many states were ruled by kinship groups (stateless societies) 2. Patriarch/council of elders of a family or group of lineages as leaders in Sudanic states 3. Distinctive regional towns that developed in western Sudan 4. Large states were ruled by a dominant family B. Social 1. Ruling families used titles such as emir or caliph to reinforce authority 2. Mixture of Islam and pagan practice and belief 3. Some kingdoms resisted Islam 4. Many Sudanic societies were matrilineal and recognized role of women C. Economic 1. International trade 2. Africa had 30-60 million inhabitants


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CHAPTER9: CIVILIZATION IN EASTERN EUROPE: BYZANTIUM AND ORTHODOX EUROPE Pp. 192-211 I. OVERVIEW A. Political 1. Divine Kingship Under Emperors a. Constantine i. Moved capitol of eastern part of Rome to area called Byzantium and named it after himself b. Justinian (Byzantine) i. Responsible for advances in architecture, rebuilding of Constantinople, and legal code of law c. Empress Theodora and Zo? i. Co-empresses placed on throne by rebels, estranged sisters d. Rurik (Kiev Rus?) i. Native of Denmark as first prince of Kiev Rus? e. Vladimir (Kiev Rus?) i. Converted all his people to Eastern Orthodox Christianity by force 2. Bureaucracy

Chapter 6 PP

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Name___________________________________ AP Human Geography - Chapter Six: Religion Introduction: (Page 191) 1. What questions about religion do geographers try to answer? Where and Why? 2. Why do geographers find the tensions between globalization and local diversity especially acute in religion? (Give five reasons.) People care deeply about their religion and draw their core values and beliefs from it Some religions have universal appeal and others local appeal Religious values show how people feel and the meaningful ways they alter the landscape Most (but not all) religions require strict adherence, so adopting a global religion could mean turning away from traditional local religion

How did religion influence art and the expression of the sacred across different times and cultures?

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4.04 Religion influences art by bringing to the forefront of the artwork important principals and lessons that are taught in that specific religion. The Islamic example I selected is the dome of the Selimiye Mosque. The other work of art I have selected is Christ as the Good Shepherd from the Catacomb of Priscilla. Both of these works of art have elements specific to their religion.

chapter 6 review

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1 Chapter 6 outline: Religion KEY ISSUE 1: Where Are Religions Distributed? universalizing religions-attempts to appeal to all people wherever they may live in the world the three main universalizing religions are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism branch-large and fundamental division in a religion; denomination-division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations; sect-relatively small group broken away from a denomination Christianity over 2 billion adherents and most widespread distribution predominant in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia (and Christian majority in Africa and Asia) branches of Christianity 3 major branches: Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox

Unit 1 Notes

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Foundations: c. 8000 B.C.E.?600 C.E. Major Developments Locating world history in the environment and time Environment Geography and climate: Interaction of geography and climate with the development of human society a. Five Themes of Geography ? consider these 1. Relative location ? location compared to others 2. Physical characteristics ? climate, vegetation and human characteristics 3. Human/environment interaction ? how do humans interact/alter environ a. Leads to change 4. Movement ? peoples, goods, ideas among/between groups 5. Regions ? cultural/physical characteristics in common with surrounding areas b. E. Africa first people ? 750,000 years ago started to move 1. moving in search of food


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