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Principles of Ecology

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Principles of Ecology Organisms and Their Environment What is Ecology? Ecology: the study of interactions that take place between organisms and their environment The Biosphere Biosphere: the part of Earth that supports life The biosphere includes the top portion of Earth?s crust, all the waters that cover Earth?s surface, and the atmosphere that surrounds Earth. The biosphere is made up of different environments that are home to different kinds of organisms. Ecosystem: all the living organisms living in an area and the nonliving features of their environment Biotic factors: living organisms in an ecosystem (ex. bison, grass, birds, insects) Abiotic factors: nonliving features of an ecosystem (ex. water, temperature, sunlight, soil, air) Levels of Organization

Biology essay

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Name_______________________ Biology Content Knowledge Exam Part 2: Free Response SCED 6416 Directions: In essay form, write your response to all parts of each question. Three questions, total time allowed is 75 minutes. Membranes are important structural features of cells.?(a) Describe how membrane structure is related to the transport of materials across a membrane.?(b) Describe the role of membranes in the synthesis of ATP in either respiration or photosynthesis. 2) An organism is heterozygous at two genetic loci on different chromosomes. | | | | | | --|B --|b | | | | --|A --|a


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Biol 160 Study Guide ? Final Exam 1. Be able to describe what science and a scientific concept are. 2. Be able to define what is and isn?t biology. 3. Know the levels of organization of life that define the scope of biology. 4. What is an atom made of? What charge does each part have? 5. What determines the atomic number of an atom? 6. What is the difference between an ionic and a covalent bond? 7. What is the difference between polar and nonpolar molecules? 8. What is hydrogen bonding and why is it important? 9. What is the general form of a chemical reaction and what are the reactants vs products? 10. How are monomers and polymers related? Be able to describe and recognize a dehydration and hydrolysis reaction.


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Metabolism and Photosynthesis Chapters 6 & 7 Autotrophs Chloroplasts ? Contain chlorophyll ? Green ? Site of photosynthesis ? Concentrated in leaves Chloroplast Structure Overview of Photosynthesis ? Light Reaction (stage 1) ? Occurs in thylakoid membranes of granna ? Converts light energy to chemical energy ? O2 produced as waste product ? Calvin Cycle (stage 2) ?Melvin Calvin ? Occurs in stroma of chloroplasts ? Synthesizes sugar molecules with CO2 & energy produced in light reactions ? The light reactions ? Convert light energy to chemical energy and produce O2 ? The Calvin cycle assembles sugar molecules from CO2 ? Using ATP and NADPH from the light reactions Figure 7.5 Light CO2H2O Chloroplast LIGHT REACTIONS (in thylakoids) CALVIN CYCLE

AP bio summer hw ch 3 questions

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AP Biology Summer Assignment Unit 3: The Cell Ch. 6- Describe the similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Then, select 3 eukaryotic cell organelles that you think you will enjoy studying. For each one, draw and explain the function of this organelle and tell what you find most interesting about it.

exam 1

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Introduction to Cell Biology Name: September 30, 2010 Student ID: Exam I - Version 1 Section 1: True and False (3 points each). 1. A virus is a living organism. A) True B) False 2. The cytoskeleton is made up of actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments. A) True B) False 3. Noncovalent bonds are too weak to influence the three dimensional structure of macromolecules. A) True B) False 4. The chemical properties of amino acid side chains include charged, uncharged polar, and nonpolar. A) True B) False 5. The mitochondria use molecular oxygen to produce H2O and ATP. A) True B) False

Campbell Biology Test Bank Chapter 5

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 5 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules In Chapter 5, the principles of chemistry covered in earlier chapters are applied to the understanding of biological polymers and lipid membranes. The emphasis is on properly linking monomers and their polymers, and on the structural and functional diversity of the different polymer types. Particular attention is given to protein structure, because this is central to understanding subsequent chapters on metabolism, molecular biology, and molecular medicine. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Humans and mice differ because A) their cells have different small organic molecules. B) their cells make different types of large biological molecules.

Nutrition and Enzymes Powerpoint

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Nutrition In order for the human body to be healthy and resistant to disease, good nutrition is required. All living things are made of chemicals. In order to grow, develop and maintain bodily structures and functions, specific chemicals must be acquired from the food we eat. In a sense, we are what we eat. Nutrients can be divided into the following categories: Nutrients Overview Carbohydrates ? sugar based molecules that are metabolized for energy in cellular respiration and make up the structural components of plant cell walls. Lipids ? fat based molecules that store large quantities of energy. These molecules also make up the structure of cell membranes.

Chapter 9 Practise test

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BIOLOGY: Chapter 9-Cellular Respiration Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in cellular respiration? a. glycolysis ? fermentation ? Krebs cycle b. Krebs cycle ? electron transport ? glycolysis c. glycolysis ? Krebs cycle ? electron transport d. Krebs cycle ? glycolysis ? electron transport ____ 2. Which of the following is released during cellular respiration? a. oxygen b. air c. energy d. lactic acid ____ 3. Cellular respiration uses one molecule of glucose to produce a. 2 ATP molecules. b. 34 ATP molecules. c. 36 ATP molecules. d. 38 ATP molecules.

Cellular Repsiration

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Cellular Respiration Plant cells harvest energy from the sun, and store it as glucose. That glucose must be transformed into energy the cell can use, specifically ATP. This takes place in the mitochondria of cells. There are two ways that a cell can harvest energy from the food (glucose) it takes in: Anaerobic Cell Respiration (Fermentation) ? glucose metabolism in the absence of oxygen that produces 2ATP molecules and either ethanol or lactic acid. Involves 2 stages: Glycolysis Fermentation Aerobic Cellular Respiration ? glucose metabolism with oxygen that produces 36 ATP molecules, CO2 and H2O. Involves 4 stages: Glycolysis Pyruvate oxidation Krebs cycle Electron transport and chemiosmosis Stage 1 ? Glycolysis


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