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AP Biology R-11 Essential Knowledge: Ch 10 Photosynthesis 10.1 Photosynthesis converts light energy to the chemical energy of food Autotrophs (producers) make their own organic molecules (food) from inorganic substances; heterotrophs (consumers) obtain their organic molecules by eating other organisms Plants are autotrophs that make their own organic molecules via photosynthesis Photosynthesis converts radiant energy (sunlight) into chemical energy (glucose) Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts Leaves are the major site of photosynthesis in plants Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in the chloroplasts; it is the chlorophyll that actually absorbs the light energy Tiny pores on the underside of leaves, called stomata, are where CO2 enters and O2 exits

Chapter 7: Vitamins

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Chapter 7 Vitamins The Nature of Vitamins A. Definition - Vitamins are organic substances needed by the body in small amounts for normal metabolism, growth and maintenance - Coenzymes are substances that activate enzymes - do not provide energy B. Classification - major distinguishing characteristic of vitamins are their solubility in either fat or water - measured in micrograms C. Fat Soluble Vitamins - are absorbed from the intestine in the same way as fats, and like fats they can be stored in the same way - A, D, E, K - toxicity from vitamin A and D can be fatal D. Water Soluble Vitamins - B vitamins and C ? less stable to environmental influences; only B12 stored for any length of time Vitamin A A. Forms - necessary for vision

Heredity and Behavior: Is it all in the Genes?

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Heredity and Behavior: Is it All in the Genes? Emily Moler Biological makeup is Intimately related to your behavior. Every cell in your body contains enduring messages from your mother and father These are found on the chromosomes that lie within nucleus Chromosomes Strand of DNA that carry genetic information There are 46 in each cell (except for the sex cells) and are found in 23 pairs, each half of the pair comes from either your mom or dad. Fertilization This is when a parent will give their genes to their child. The parents create a zygote, which is a single cell formed by the union of a sperm and an egg. Genes DNA segments that serve as the key functional units in hereditary transmission. They are found on chromosomes. More on Chromosomes


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Connor Crisp P.1 3/25/10 Sophomore English Definitive essay final draft Resilience Flash go the camera bulbs; Ding goes the bell. Life is like the resilience of the old hardened boxer in come back prize fight against a fierce young blood of a contender. Our daily lives mirror this situation in that we all have problems that sometimes kick us down to the mat. Some may say that resilience is only getting back up, but truly resilience is more than that. True resilience is taking the hard punches, anticipating the opponent, and always getting back up even when all bets are placed against you.

Myers Psychology Chapter 2 Vocabulary (6th Edition)

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Biological Psychology – Focuses on links between biology and behavior. Neuron – A nerve cell Dendrite – Branching extension, receives messages Axon – Extension of a neuron, sends messages Myelin Sheath – Helps protect and insulate Action potential – A neural impulse, electrical charge that travels down the axon. Threshold – the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse. Synapse – The junction between the axon tip (send) and the dendrite (receive) Neurotransmitters – Chemical messengers that traverse the synaptic gaps between neurons. Acetylcholine – Triggers muscle contractions Endorphins – “Natural morphine”, Pain control and pleasure. Nervous system – Electrochemical communication system of the body


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