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Sep 28, 2009

Serving school and extracurriculars?! Is that possible without relaxing on one? Honestly, I have no clue. I am only in a few extra cirrics after school, but at times it seems unbearable to even juggle school and one. Of course, I should point out that I do theatre and debate (both things that take a lot of my time). I just auditioned for a show and had to miss debate practice.

Sep 17, 2009

It's senior year and you need letters of recommendations from teachers but you don't exactly know how to ask. Here are the Do's and Dont's when it comes time to requesting them.

- Ask politely after class or before class if your early, tell the teacher your current/past average for that class and that you would really appreciate it if they could.
- If you are not comfortable speaking with your teachers, you can always write a letter and leave it in there mailbox, however, when you ask in person it is more genuine.

Sep 17, 2009

Stress is common in the lives of teens. Especially during your junior/ senior years of high school. There are several ways you can deal with stress in a calm manner. The most important rule is to take one step at a time.

One of the many pressures include school and homework. To make homework and studying less stressful:
a) Find a quiet or good environment to do it in.
b) Do one thing at a time, make a To Do List and maybe give each homework a time frame so you can complete it all on time.
c) Have a little snack or something every time you finish something on your list.

By: nasa211
Sep 17, 2009

1. First and foremost: DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. One of worst things in the world is procrastination, resulting in stressful nights, late assignments, and mediocre work. Always try to finish assignments early. Whenever you get the chance, attempt to do your homework. This will result in less stress and more free time. Better quality work will result in better grades and an overall better sense of accomplishment. This applies not only to homework, but also to class work, projects, tests, etc.

By: nasa211
Sep 17, 2009

When trying to build you’re the reputation of your college application, extra-curricular activities are what set you apart from the other thousands that apply. You may think that your grades are amazing because you have straight A’s and a 4.7 GPA, but in reality, you are nothing more than a speck in the grand scheme of things. I cannot emphasize this to a respectable extent: EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ARE IMPORTANT.

Sep 16, 2009

So you’re a senior? You’re the top of the food chain. You’re at the apex of the hill. But don’t let that get to you. Being a senior, though seemingly representative of the easiest year of high school, is still very important.
Don’t let your ego get to you! Though you are figuratively on the top, you shouldn’t act like it. Condescending attitudes are never wanted despite how high one is on the social hierarchy. Be kind and courteous and respect the people around you. Whether or not you believe in Karma, the act of being a genuine person is important for being an adult.

Sep 16, 2009

The SATs—the dreaded abbreviation that all of us want to avoid. What is it that we fear about it? The fact that it’s the most important test we’re ever going to take? Is it the lingering fear that our peers have for it? Are we simply scared that we won’t get a score we want? There are many reasons as to why we fear this simple 4 hour long test. To ensure success, just follow these simple tips:

Sep 16, 2009

This is the 2nd installment of what is now a 3 installment article!

Couple of weeks ago, I wrote to you about Ramadan to answer popular questions. Last time I wrote to you about the inside details of Ramadan and how it works. But what I think people don't get is why? Why on earth would you do this to yourself? Why forbid yourself from eating AND drinking for 15 hours? I get looks and questions that you would not believe. So here I am again to clear up some issues. And for those of you do not want to read another blog about Ramadan or Islam’s inside workings. Then Don’t.

Sep 14, 2009

This article is for those of you who are seniors, CLASS OF 2010!! And for those of you who are not- go away and read this next year(just kidding). But we have NINE months left till graduation. So what do to the teachers want us to do? Think about college. It's bad enough that we are getting pressure from home, but now school is starting to talk to us about it too! That is all anyone ever talks about anymore. I eat, drink, sleep and socialize with college on my mind. Sometimes i cannot even fall asleep because I am thinking too much about college. When does it end?

Sep 02, 2009

Whoop! Finally the last of my frist week of high school is over with. I thought that it would be a little more difficult, but I guess not. I only have 6 of the 7 periods. I am taking 2 AP classes (Gov and English), one dual credit class College Algebra (omg it is the WORST because I have a sub for a teacher. She does not know what she is doing. It's HORRIBLE), and a few electives (theatre, bcis, and debate). SO I am hoping that this is going to be a good year. I have a new princliple who reminds me of a Nazi (seriously).


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