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acid rain

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Name: ________tyler antebi___________________________ Pg.___1 Mrs. Strype - 8 Acid Rain Internet Activity Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the burning of fossil fuels react with water and oxygen to form acids. Rainwater is naturally slightly acidic, but this additional acid makes it even more so. Acid rain harms wildlife and upsets the balance of an ecosystem. In this activity, you'll learn what acid rain is and how you can help reduce it. Go to the website What is Acid Rain? What's the definition of acid rain? Acid rain is referring to a mixture of wet and dry materials from the atmosphere containing high amounts acid. Compare wet and dry deposition. Wet Acidic rain, Snow, Fog Acids fall in types of wet or moist weather. Dry Dust, Smoke

AP Biology Macromolecules

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Macromolecules Macromolecules The topic of macromolecules lends itself well to illustrate three integral themes woven throughout the text and course: There is a natural hierarchy of structural level in biological organization As one moves up the hierarchy, new properties emerge because of interactions among subunits at the lower levels Form fits function. Most macromolecules are polymers Polymer = (Poly = many; mer = part) Large molecule consisting of many identical or similar subunits connected together. Monomer = Subunit or building block molecule of a polymer. Macromolecule = (Macro large) Large organic polymer. Formation of macromolecules from smaller building block molecules represents another level in the hierarchy of biological organization.

APES beginner vocabulary

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Basic Scientific Concepts Organic vs. Inorganic: The primary difference between organic compounds and inorganic compounds is that organic compounds always contain carbon while most inorganic compounds do not. Also, all organic compounds contain carbon, hydrogen or C-H bonds. Ex. of Organic Compounds: Nucleic Acids, Fats, Sugars, Proteins, Enzymes, Fuels, DNA, and Methane CH4 Ex. of Inorganic Compounds: Salts, Metals, Table Salt and Carbon Dioxide Gene: A unit of heredity; a segment of DNA nucleus of the cell that contains information for the synthesis of a specific protein. Ex: Enzymes Gene pool: Combined genetic information, such as alleles, of all the members of a particular population.

Math review

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AP Biology Math Review 2013 Take out an APPROVED calculator and formula sheet. 2) Pick a grid sheet. You will solve each problem and grid in the answer. 3) Timing ? 1 min 20 seconds average Tips Grid LEFT to right Use the formula sheet Don?t round until the end Look at HOW the answer should be given ?round to nearest?? .123 The 1 is in the tenths place The 2 is in the hundredths place The 3 is in the thousandths place Q1: Chi Square A hetero red eyed female was crossed with a red eyed male. The results are shown below. Red eyes are sex-linked dominant to white, determine the chi square value. Round to the nearest hundredth. 66 White Eyes 134 Red Eyes # flies observed Phenotype 3 min Chi Square Strategy Given?observed

Stoichiometry review questions

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A substance with the formula AB has the composition by mass of 30% A and 70% B. What is the composition by mass of the compound A2B? 70% A, 30% B 50% A, 50% B 46% A, 54% B 60% A, 40% B 65% A, 35% B A mass of 21.5 grams of calcium hydroxide reacts with an excess of phosphoric acid. What mass of calcium phosphate could be recovered from solution? 31.6 grams 94.7 grams 326 grams 284 grams 186 grams Given the equation 3A + 4B ? 2C + 3D, you react 5 moles of A with 7 moles of B. Which of the following statements is true? B has a greater molar mass than A A is the limiting reactant A has a greater molar mass than B


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4/2/13 1:14 PM DNA Deoxyribose Double Stranded (Double Helix) Nitrogenous bases (Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine, Thymine) RNA Ribonucleic Single Stranded Nitrogenous bases (Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine, Uracil) Both have phosphate Cytosine = Guanine Adenine = Thymine DNA Replication is semi conservative. DNA Replication happens during interphase. One strand determines the sequence of the other strand. DNA polymerase copies DNA strands in the 5?->3? direction. Transcription ? The first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA by the enzyme, RNA polymerase. Translation ? The process through which cellular ribosomes manufacture proteins. In DNA, T=A G=C In RNA, T=A G=C A=U Translation occurs in the cytoplasm.

Chemistry Basics (1st half of chemistry books)

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CHAPTER ONE: Mass Kilogram (kg) Balance scale Volume Cubic Meter (m?) Graduated cylinder Temperature Kelvin (K) Thermometer Length Meters (m) Meter stick Time Seconds (sec) Stopwatch Energy Joules (J) (Measured Indirectly) Independent: what you control Dependent: what you measure or observe CHAPTER TWO: Ionic Compounds: 2 elements/ a metal & nonmetal Write the name of the metal (cation) Write the name of the non-metal (anion) with the suffix ?-ide? Polyatomic ions don?t change their name Molecular Compounds: 2 non-metals/ no hydrogen First word= name of first element with no name change Second word= name of second element with ending change to ?-ide? Prefix with mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, or deca

Chemistry Basics (1st half of chemistry books)

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CHAPTER ONE: Mass Kilogram (kg) Balance scale Volume Cubic Meter (m?) Graduated cylinder Temperature Kelvin (K) Thermometer Length Meters (m) Meter stick Time Seconds (sec) Stopwatch Energy Joules (J) (Measured Indirectly) Independent: what you control Dependent: what you measure or observe CHAPTER TWO: Ionic Compounds: 2 elements/ a metal & nonmetal Write the name of the metal (cation) Write the name of the non-metal (anion) with the suffix ?-ide? Polyatomic ions don?t change their name Molecular Compounds: 2 non-metals/ no hydrogen First word= name of first element with no name change Second word= name of second element with ending change to ?-ide? Prefix with mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, or deca

Biology Notes

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---Extracted text from uploads/biology/cellular_respiration.doc---
Unit I: The Concept of Life Biology : The Study of Life How is Life Defined? Key Idea: All living things carry out eight essential life functions. Collectively, the eight life functions are known as metabolism. Nutrition: the process in which food (organic molecules) is absorbed (ingestion) and used or broken down (digestion). Transport: the process in which material is moved from one place to another (circulated) within organisms. Active Transport: the type of transport that moves material from a low to high concentration while using energy.

Outdoor Air Pollutants

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Outdoor Air Pollutants What are the major classes of outdoor pollutants? Natural sources--- 1. dust and other suspended particles 2. Sulfur oxides from volcanoes 3. Carbon oxides and particulates from fires 4. Pollen 5. Methane and hydrogen sulfide from decay 6. Salt from oceans * Most spread out and are rarely harmful http://www.epa.gov/air/urbanair/ Other sources--- 1. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) methane, propane, CFC 2. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) solids dust, lead, pesticides 3. Radioactive substances- radon, iodine 4. Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) can cause birth defects, cancer


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