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AP Biology Ch. 8-10 Vocabulary

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AP Biology Chapters 8-10 Vocabulary Chapter 8: Activation energy: the amount of energy that reactants must absorb before a chemical reaction will start Active site: the specific portion of an enzyme that attaches to the substrate by means of weak chemical bonds ATP: an adenine-containing nucleoside triphosphate that releases free energy when its phosphate bonds are hydrolyzed. This energy is used to drive endergonic reactions in cells Catalyst: a chemical agent that changes the rate of a reaction without being consumed by the reaction. Coenzyme: an organic molecule serving as a cofactor. Most vitamins function as coenzymes in important metabolic reactions

Chapter 3 APES notes

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Ecology -The study of how organisms interact with one another and their physical environment of matter and energy. All living organisms are composed of cells. Cell-the smallest and most fundamental structural and functional units of life. The idea that all living things are composed of cells is called cell theory. Organisms can be classified as either eukaryotes or prokaryotes A eukaryote is a cell surrounded by a membrane that has a distinct nucleus and other internal parts called organelles. A prokaryote is a cell surrounded by a membrane but has no distinct nucleus or organelles surrounded by membranes. For a group of sexually reproducing organisms a species is a set of individuals that can mate and produce fertile offspring.

States of Matter

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Chem 110 Chapter 5 Test Review States of Matter: Gases, Liquids and Solids Changes in State Changes in state are considered physical changes. Other physical properties may also change during a change in state. 4 States of Matter are: Gases, Liquids, Solids Comparison of Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids, and Solids Property Gas Liquid Solid Volume and Shape Expands to fill the volume of its container and takes the shape of its container. Has a fixed volume at a given mass and temperature. Volume depends on its mass and temperature. It assumes the shape of its container. Has a fixed volume which is dependent on its mass and temperature. It has a definite shape. Density Compressibility Particle Motion Low High Virtually free High Very low

Chapter 2 Outline

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SCIENCE, MATTER, ENERGY, AND SYSTEMS p.28-49 Core Case Study ? Carrying Out a Controlled Scientific Experiment o controlled experiment- a way in which scientists learn about how nature works is to conduct a controlled experiment o variables- factors that can change within a system or situation being studied o single-variable analysis- an experiment designed to isolate and study the effects of one variable at a time o experimental group- a chosen variable is changed in a known way o control group- the chosen variable is not changed 2-1 What Is Science p.29-35 ? Science Is a Search for Order in Nature o science- an endeavor to discover how nature works and to use that knowledge to make predictions

Metal Nonmetal and Metalloid

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7.6 Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids The more an element exhibits the physical and chemical properties of metals, the greater its metallic character. Metals: Good conductor of heat and electricity. Malleable (can be pounded into thin sheets) and ductile (can be drawn into wires). Tend to have low ionization energies and therefore tend to form positive ions relatively easily. Are oxidized. Compounds of metals with nonmetals tend to be ionic substances (halides). Most metal oxides are basic. Metal oxide + water -> metal hydroxide Metal oxide + acid -> salt + water Nonmetals: Nonmetals vary greatly in appearances. Because of their electron affinities, nonmetals tend to gain electrons when they react with metals.

AP BIO Photosynthesis Vocab

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Stomates ? In plants, a mite opening bordered by guard cells in the epidermis of leaves and stems; water passes out of a plant Mesophyll cells ? the photosynthetic parenchyma of a leaf, located within the epidermis Thylakoid Membranes ? in chloroplasts, a complex,organized internal membrane composed of flattened disks, which contain the photosystems involved in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Stroma ? In chloroplasts, the molecules from CO2.semi-liquid substance that surrounds the thylakoid system and that contains the enzymes needed to assemble organic

AP BIO Respiration Vocab

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Acetyl CoA ? the product of the transition reaction between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, pyruvate is oxidized to Acetyl-CoA by NAD+ , also producing CO2, and NADH Aerobic ? Requiring free oxygen: any biological process that can occur in the presence of gaseous oxygen. Alcohol Fermentation ? The process by which yeast turns sugar into carbon dioxideCO2) and alcohol. Anaerobic ? Any process that can occur without oxygen, such as anaerobic fermentation or H2S photosynthesis. ATP Synthase ? An enzyme that catalyzes the formation of ATP from the phosphorylation of ADP with inorganic phosphate, using a form of energy, such as the energy from a proton gradient.

Chemical Equilibria checklist

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South Pasadena ( AP Chemistry [Keep for Reference] 16 ( Chemical Equilibria BLUFFER?S GUIDE ? 1. aA +bB + . . . rR +sS + . . . Kc = and for gases: Kp = 2. K > 1 products favored K < 1 reactants favored 3. Excluded: solids; pure liquids; water (in aqueous solutions) because their [ ]?s do not change. 4. Convert from Kc to Kp Kp = Kc(RT)(n where (n = moles of gaseous product ? moles of gaseous reactant. 5. Typical question: Given Kc and the starting concentrations of reactants, find concentrations of products at equilibrium. Example: Kc for acetic acid = 1.8 x 10-5. What is the equilibrium concentration of [H+] in a 0.100 M solution of the acid? 6. Equilibrium constant for a reverse reaction = the value of the forward reaction.


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