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Bio 101- Sparace Fall 2013 Mock Exam 1: Chpt 2-7 15 / P / 30.973761 What is the atomic mass of Phosphorus? 5 8 15 30.973761 How many valence electrons does Phosphorus have? 2 5 8 15 Which of the following is NOT one of the four elements that make up 90% of living matter? Carbon Oxygen Helium Nitrogen Hydrogen What are the subatomic particles that make up atoms? Px, Py, and Pz Protons, neutrons, and electrons Anions, cations, and nutrions Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen What is the sum of protons and neutrons? Atomic number Nuclear ratio Electronegativity Atomic mass Which bonds rely on the equal or unequal sharing of electrons? Hydrogen Bonds


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Question 1?(Worth 1 points) [02.01]Which of the following is essential for a theory to become widely accepted within the scientific community? ?A theory must include a valid scientific model. ?A theory must be supported by many different experiments. ?A theory is an educated guess based on multiple observations. ?A theory must change over time regardless of the scientific data. Points earned on this question: 1 Question 2?(Worth 1 points) [02.01]Which of the following is the?best?definition of a scientific model? ?any visual representation of scientific experimental findings ?a 3-d object used to demonstrate key scientific theories and data ?a visual, verbal, or mathematical explanation of experimental data ?an explanation of any scientific idea, theory, or experimental results

Analyses of first AP Labs

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Analyses Osmosis and Diffusion Osmosis and Diffusion are processes of passive transport. In this lab we studied the basic concepts of molecular movement in solutions. During the execution of the experiment, I became aware that molecules are in constant motion and tend to move from areas of higher concentration to those of lower concentration. Diffusion is the movement of molecules following that concentration gradient. It occurs on the diverse states of matter. Osmosis refers to the specialized diffusion of molecules of water through a selectively permeable membrane.

AP Biology: Lab 1 Example

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Contents Initial Mass Final Mass Mass Difference Percent of Change in Mass Average Change in Mass for Repeated Contents 0.0 M Distilled Water 7.04 8.15 +1.11 +15.76% 0.2M Sucrose 9.47 9.79 +0.32 +3.37% +2.08% 0.2M Sucrose 8.85 8.93 +0.07 +0.79% +2.08% 0.4M Sucrose 9.75 9.50 -0.25 -2.56% -2.41% 0.4M Sucrose 7.05 6.89 -0.16 -2.26% -2.41% 0.6M Sucrose 6.96 4.80 -2.16 -31.03% 0.8M Sucrose 13.50 9.50 -4.00 -29.62% 1.0M Sucrose 4.98 3.52 -1.46 -29.31% DATA Potato Core Data In Sucrose Solutions Assigned Questions Which substances are entering the bag and which are leaving the bag?

Diffusion Worksheets

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AP Biology James Pre-Lab: Diffusion and Osmosis in Model Systems In parts 1 and 2 of this lab, you will have the opportunity to investigate the processes of diffusion and osmosis in model membrane systems. You will also investigate the effect of solute concentration on water potential as it relates to living plant tissues. Objectives: At the completion of this AP laboratory, you should be able to: Describe the mechanisms of diffusion and osmosis. Describe how solute size and molar concentration affect the process of diffusion through a selectively-permeable membrane. Describe the relationship between solutions that are hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic. Design an experiment to demonstrate water potential.


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SOTM LAB: C7 I: TEACHER NOTES & GUIDELINES TITLE OF LAB: Chemical Kinetics: Concentration vs. Reaction Rate DEVELOPERS OF LAB: Michael Boms (JD814), Phillip Cameron (JD522), Gail Gold (JD889), Mark Tretter (JD580); Kathy Poncelet (JD521), Mikki Bieber (JD705), Pamela Iacovella (JD723), SOTM staff OVERVIEW OF LAB DESCRIPTION A spectrophotometer will be used to study different aspects of the kinetics of a reaction. The effect of concentration of one of the reactants will be investigated initially to explore the reaction and to introduce students to the use of the Spectronic-20 spectrophotometer. After completing the initial experiment, students will propose and design an experiment to investigate another factor which they think may affect the rate of this reaction.


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AP Chemistry Final Exam Version P Fall 2005 3 Free Response questions, 45 minutes CALCULATORS MAY BE USED. You will also have a periodic table, equation sheets, and the standard reduction potential table. Clearly show the method used and the steps involved in arriving at your answers. It is to your advantage to do this, since you may obtain partial credit if you do and you will receive little or no credit if you do not. Attention should be paid to significant figures. Note: For all questions, assume that the temperature is 298 K, the pressure is 1.00 atmospheres, and solutions are aqueous unless otherwise specified. Record all your work on this exam; you will only be given credit for answers showing work. NAME: PERIOD: 1 2 3 4 January 10-12, 2006

bio, cell respiration

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AP Biology Name _________________________ Chapter 9 Guided Reading Assignment? ? Define the two catabolic pathways: Fermentation? Cellular respiration?? Use the following terms correctly in a sentence: redox reactions, oxidation, reduction, reducing agent and oxidizing agent.??? Why is being ?reduced? equivalent to having a greater potential energy????? In cellular respiration, what is being oxidized and what is being reduced??? Label the diagram below of the electron movement with regard to the coenzyme NAD+. Use Fig 9.4.????? Why are electron transport chains an advantage to living systems??? What are the three stages of aerobic cellular respiration??? What is substrate-level phosphorylation??? Complete the chart below re: glycolysis???

AP Bio: Potato Osmosis Lab Report

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As visible from the data presented in the table and graph, the mass change in percent seems to decrease as the sucrose concentration increases. There seems to be minimal percent change of mass between 0.7M and 0.8M. Conclusions/Discussion After carefully recording data, we extrapolated that there is an inverse relationship between sucrose concentration and mass change. The inverse relationship is that as sucrose concentration increases, the mass change will decrease. By the conclusion, it was also concluded that the color-coded solutions had molarities of: Yellow= 0.2M Blue= 0.4M Clear= 0.6 Pink= 0.8M Green= 1M The hypothesis was supported by this conclusion.


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CALIFORNIA STANDARDS TEST CHEMISTRY (Blueprint adopted by the State Board of Education 10/2002) CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: CHEMISTRY # of Items % Atomic and Molecular Structure 6 10.0% 1. The periodic table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and shows how periodicity of the physical and chemical properties of the elements relates to atomic structure. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know how to relate the position of an element in the periodic table to its atomic number and atomic mass. 1 b. Students know how to use the periodic table to identify metals, semimetals, non-metals, and halogens. 1


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