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China and India

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Notes : The Origins of Imperial China The Qin Unification of China Qin began to methodically conquer and incorporate other Chinese states By 221 B.C.E. it had unified all northern and central China in the first Chinese ?empire? The name China is probably derived from Qin Qin emerged the ultimate winner because of a combination of factors Toughness and military preparedness Adoption of severe Legalist methods Surpassing ambition of ruthless king Qin monarch Zheng inherited the throne at age 13 Was guided by circle of Legalist advisors Launched a series of wars of conquest After defeating the last of his rivals, he gave himself a title that symbolized the new state of affairs Shi Huangdi (First emperor) Claimed his dynasty would last ten thousand generations

China and India

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Notes : The Origins of Imperial China The Qin Unification of China Qin began to methodically conquer and incorporate other Chinese states By 221 B.C.E. it had unified all northern and central China in the first Chinese ?empire? The name China is probably derived from Qin Qin emerged the ultimate winner because of a combination of factors Toughness and military preparedness Adoption of severe Legalist methods Surpassing ambition of ruthless king Qin monarch Zheng inherited the throne at age 13 Was guided by circle of Legalist advisors Launched a series of wars of conquest After defeating the last of his rivals, he gave himself a title that symbolized the new state of affairs Shi Huangdi (First emperor) Claimed his dynasty would last ten thousand generations

China and India

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Notes : The Origins of Imperial China The Qin Unification of China Qin began to methodically conquer and incorporate other Chinese states By 221 B.C.E. it had unified all northern and central China in the first Chinese ?empire? The name China is probably derived from Qin Qin emerged the ultimate winner because of a combination of factors Toughness and military preparedness Adoption of severe Legalist methods Surpassing ambition of ruthless king Qin monarch Zheng inherited the throne at age 13 Was guided by circle of Legalist advisors Launched a series of wars of conquest After defeating the last of his rivals, he gave himself a title that symbolized the new state of affairs Shi Huangdi (First emperor) Claimed his dynasty would last ten thousand generations


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WRAP UP OF THE CLASSICAL ERA Collapse/decline of great classical civs ? Rome, Han, Gupta Invasions from central Asia Internal imperial weaknesses Many components of classical achievement survived and new forms appeared. Defining the new period New kinds of contacts are established among ?civilization? areas New parallelisms arise in patterns displayed by civilizations Cultural and political boundaries shift in India and the Mediterranean world New religions spread widely The Islamic world replaced India as the most expansive civilization Surge in the Great Religions Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam rose or expanded as the great empires declined. Hinduism continued its evolution Political, economic instability, epidemics ? search for spiritual answers

Notes on Friedrich Nietzsche

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Nietzsche Notes Representation and Will: Difference between reality and appearance Will motivates reality ?Nietzsche changes his mind and says will is appearance No doer behind the deed- we make up the doer to understand the deed People give meaning to existence to make sense of world Primal unity Socrates and Reason: Nietzsche- healthier to embrace chaos of world Socrates denies meaninglessness and chaos in world Trying to grasp and fix something you can?t Because too weak to do so Good and Evil: Good created by nobles, to give themselves value Two words didn?t have any meaning (just titles) ?then, weak started to resent nobles?reversal of meanings Masters also represented violence, etc. Now, words once good are now bad (greed, strength, etc.), and vice versa


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Ch. 6 India and Southeast Asia, 1500 BCE ? 600 CE Why is India known as a subcontinent? India and Southeast Asia, 1500BCE ? 600CE Monsoons India and the Vedic Age (1500BCE ? 300CE) After the demise of the Indus Valley civilization, Indo- European warriors (Aryans) migrate into India Oral traditions tell of a struggle between the light skinned Aryans, and the darker skinned Dasas (native peoples of India) Aryans take Northern India Dasas forced into Central and Southern India Who were the Aryans? http://india.mrdonn.org/aryan.html India and the Vedic Age (1500BCE ? 300CE) Struggle leads to the development of the system of Varna (caste system?based on skin color) Aryan Caste system is composed of multiple social classes: Brahmins (priests) Kshatriya (warriors)


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The Reformation Study Guide Honors European Studies Pratik Vaidya Any material from guided notes, homework assignments, quiz questions, in-class worksheets or writing activities could show up on the test. Pre-Reformers: Motivated by the Corruption in the church Highest members of clergy held by nobles Nepotism: the appointment of family members to church positions Excessive excommunication in the church Luther Background ? Born in Germany in 1493 German theologian and Augustinian monk whose teachings inspired the protestant reformation; his reformation called the church to return the teachings of the Bible, first viral media influence, translated the Bible into German, etc. His father was strict and wanted him to become a lawyer studying at University of Erfuhrt

Unit 2 600 C.E.–1450

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600 C.E.?1450 I. Questions of periodization A. Nature and causes of changes in the world history framework leading up to 600 C.E. ? 1450 as a period B. Emergence of new empires and political systems C. Continuities and breaks within the period (e.g., the impact of the Mongols on international contacts and on specific societies) The Islamic world II. The rise and role of Dar al-Islam as a unifying cultural and economic force in Eurasia and Africa A. The Rise 1. Arab Region Before a. Vast, dry area b. Nomadic Bedouin tribes c. Criss-crossed by trade routes d. Mecca 1. Trading crossroads 2. center for Arab tribal religious worship 3. Ka?aba ? fallen from heaven and has special powers

Chapter1 Foundations: c. 8000 B.C.E.–600 C.E.

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Foundations: c. 8000 B.C.E.?600 C.E. Major Developments Locating world history in the environment and time Environment Geography and climate: Interaction of geography and climate with the development of human society a. Five Themes of Geography ? consider these 1. Relative location ? location compared to others 2. Physical characteristics ? climate, vegetation and human characteristics 3. Human/environment interaction ? how do humans interact/alter environ a. Leads to change 4. Movement ? peoples, goods, ideas among/between groups 5. Regions ? cultural/physical characteristics in common with surrounding areas b. E. Africa first people ? 750,000 years ago started to move 1. moving in search of food

Ap WH Ch1-6

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The term prehistory refers to the period before (p. 6) writing Which of the following was not a hominid? (p. 7) A hominid is a human and humanlike species. (includes the genus Homo) The most important development of Homo erectus was (p. 10) Had effective tools, fire, intelligence, and language. Hunters worked in groups and brought their prey back to camps. Which of the following choices is in correct chronological order? (p. 29) Era of Australopithecus Era of Lucy Era of Homo Erectus Early evolution of Homo sapiens Era of Neanderthal peoples First appearance of rCo-Magnon peoples (Homo sapiens sapiens) Natufian society Early experimentation with agriculture Jomon society Appearance of agricultural villages Appearances of cities Chinook


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