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Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 4c

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Useful Element Notations The number of protons in the nucleus Determines the identity of the atom (which element it is) Atomic Number (Z) If you change the number of protons, the atom changes to another element. The total number of particles in the nucleus?protons and neutrons The total number of particles that make up the mass of the atom Mass Number (A) Atoms of an element which have various amounts of neutrons but the same number of protons Isotopes: Since the number of neutrons changes, the mass of the isotopes is different. Count Those Neutrons It shows the mass number, atomic number, and symbol for the element. Isotopic Notation X A Z Isotopic Notation Example: Be 9 9 protons and neutrons 9 4 4 4 protons Therefore, there must be 5 neutrons. 18 40 22 58 Question

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 4b

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The Electron Structure of the Atom The quantum model emphasizes the wave nature of electrons. The Quantum Model Quantum numbers are solutions to the wave equations of electrons. Scientists use a set of 4 quantum numbers to determine an electron?s location around an atom. Quantum Numbers Electrons exist in principal energy levels that correspond to Bohr?s orbits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ? Principal energy levels are divided into 4 types of sublevels: s, p, d, and f. Where are the Electrons? The sublevels contain orbitals. Each orbital can hold up to two electrons. Where are the Electrons? Identifies the principal energy level Correlates to Bohr?s orbits n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 for the ground state e?. The total number of e? in a level is 2n2. Principal Quantum Number (n) Level Total # e? 1

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 4a

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The Development of Atomic Models: A Historical Perspective 1 Model of an Atom An IDEA of what it looks like (a working representation) 2 Atomic Models Democritus? Idea An object CANNOT be divided indefinitely. There is a smallest particle. atom: (Gk. atomos?indivisible) 3 Democritus ? Chemistry textbook p. 73 (BJU Press) Atomic Models There is a basic unit of matter?the atom. Chemists found this out by looking at the mass ratio of substances. But the atom is NOT indivisible. Democritus? Idea was CORRECT! 4 Democritus ? Chemistry textbook p. 73 (BJU Press) Continuous: Matter can be subdivided forever. Particulate: A smallest particle exists. 2 Theories Atomic Models 9 grams of H2O: 8 grams of oxygen 1 gram of hydrogen Ratio is 8:1 Mass Ratio 90 grams of H2O:

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 2b

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Energy and Matter Energy Energy the ability to do work Work Work a force moving matter through a distance Both energy and work are measured in joules (J). Forms of Energy Mechanical ? objects Kinetic ? moving Potential ? stored Thermal ? kinetic energy of atoms and molecules Forms of Energy Acoustic (sound) ? periodic, wave-like motion of atoms and molecules Electromagnetic ? moving electrons Chemical ? breaking and forming bonds Forms of Energy Nuclear ? from center of atom 6 Energy Conservation Despite Change ?the study of the flow of energy? Thermodynamics ?the law of conservation of mass-energy? (Conservation doesn?t refer to turning off the lights.) First Law of Thermodynamics ?the law of conservation of mass-energy?

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 2a

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The Classification of Matter Matter Matter is described as ?anything that takes up space and has mass.? Matter Matter was created ex nihilo, which means ?from nothing.? Science Guess Scientific method Faith Observation Question How can we know where matter comes from? 4 Atom - Clipart.com Item #20307567 Organization of Matter Pure substances Mixtures Is a substancepure or a mixture? Determined by: Physical properties Chemical properties Physical Properties Physical properties can be measured without changing the material into another substance. They describe how a substance is by itself. The following terms are examples of physical properties: density density describes how the particles are packed into a material malleability malleability

Campbell Biology Test Bank Chapter 5

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 5 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules In Chapter 5, the principles of chemistry covered in earlier chapters are applied to the understanding of biological polymers and lipid membranes. The emphasis is on properly linking monomers and their polymers, and on the structural and functional diversity of the different polymer types. Particular attention is given to protein structure, because this is central to understanding subsequent chapters on metabolism, molecular biology, and molecular medicine. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Humans and mice differ because A) their cells have different small organic molecules. B) their cells make different types of large biological molecules.

Campbell Biology Test Bank Chapter 4

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life This chapter focuses on the chemistry of carbon and organic compounds. Students should be able to identify the nature of the bonds between carbon and other elements (nonpolar versus polar), the different types of weak bonds and interactions, the various types of isomers, the basic functional groups of organic molecules, and their relative solubility in water. The abiotic formation of organic molecules from inorganic molecules is important in the origin of life. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) The element present in all organic molecules is A) hydrogen. B) oxygen. C) carbon. D) nitrogen. E) phosphorus. Answer: C Topic: Concept 4.1 Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Campbell Biology Test Bank Chapter 3

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 3 Water and Life Life evolved in the ocean, and the chemistry of life occurs in an aqueous environment. These questions explore the properties of water that are important to sustain life?s chemical processes, organismal physiology, and interactions of organisms with their environment. Quantitative properties such as heat content, molarity, and pH are also addressed. A few questions address how human activities affect the global environment through acid rain and acidification of the ocean. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) In a single molecule of water, two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by A) hydrogen bonds. B) nonpolar covalent bonds. C) polar covalent bonds. D) ionic bonds. E) van der Waals interactions.

Campbell Biology Test Bank Chapter 2

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 2 The Chemical Context of Life This chapter presents basic chemical principles for understanding the chemical context of living organisms, from atomic structure to the nature of chemical bonds and an introduction to chemical equilibrium. These questions focus on elements most important to life or the study of life, including the elements that comprise organic molecules and important trace elements. Some isotopes are important in geologic dating and in biological tracer studies. How elements participate in forming different types of chemical bonds is essential to mastering subsequent topics on the behavior and properties of biological molecules, structures, and energy metabolism. Multiple-Choice Questions


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