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reece testbank chap 9

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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation This is one of the most challenging chapters for students to master. Many students become overwhelmed and confused by the complexity of the pathways, with the multitude of intermediate compounds, enzymes, and processes. The vast majority of the questions in this chapter address central concepts rather than details of these pathways. Other questions have accompanying figures that provide details for reference and ask students to interpret or use these models. Overall, the emphases are on the inputs and outputs of each pathway, the relationships among these pathways, the cellular locations, redox as a central principle in respiration, and chemiosmosis. Multiple-Choice Questions


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8. Infrared Spectroscopy Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy is an analytical method that measures the absorbance of a select band of electromagnetic radiation by a sample. The wavelength of radiation that is absorbed is characteristic of different types of chemical bonds. The graphical representation of the absorption of the electromagnetic radiation by the sample makes an IR spectrum. Organic chemists use infrared spectroscopy as a means of identifying various functional groups within compounds. This information is used to determine the structure of compounds. IR is usually used in combination with other techniques, especially nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In this class you will learn how to interpret an IR spectrum and how to

Holt Biology Chapter 2 Section 1

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Unit 1 Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life Section 1: Nature of Matter Atom Smallest unit of matter that can?t be broken down by chemical means Protons, Neutrons, Electrons Electron cloud Region around nucleus that electrons can occupy at any time Stable atoms usually have no charge 1 electron for every 1 proton Elements Pure substance made of one kind of atom Differ in number of protons Ex. Carbon-12 (Carbon has 6 protons) 12-6=6 Carbon-12 has 6 neutrons Compound Substance made of joined atoms of 2 or more different elements Chemical formula identifies what is in compound and those elements? proportions Ex. NaCl 1 Sodium for every 1 Chlorine Covalent Bonds Two or more atoms share electrons to form a molecule Molecule Group of atoms held together by covalent bonds

lecture presentation

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Chapter 1 Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life Overview: Inquiring About the World of Life Evolution is the process of change that has transformed life on Earth Biology is the scientific study of life Biologists ask questions such as: How a single cell develops into an organism How the human mind works How living things interact in communities Copyright ? 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings Fig. 1-1 Fig. 1-2 Life defies a simple, one-sentence definition Life is recognized by what living things do Video: Seahorse Camouflage Copyright ? 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings Order Evolutionary adaptation Response to the environment Reproduction Growth and development Energy processing Regulation Fig. 1-3

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 10c

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Gases and the Mole Gay-Lussac formulated the law of combining volumes. Law of Combining Volumes Gases at the same temperature and pressure react with one another in volume ratios of small whole numbers. Law of Combining Volumes Example 1: H2 + Cl2 2HCl 1 L + 1 L 2 L Law of Combining Volumes Example 2: 2H2 + O2 2H2O 2 L + 1 L 2 L Avogadro?s law The volume of a gas, maintained at a constant temperature and pressure, is directly proportional to the number of moles of the gas. Molar Volume the volume that a mole of gas occupies at standard temperature and pressure Molar Volume 1 mole of ANY gas at STP occupies 22.4 L. Sample Problem 1 What volume would 7 moles of carbon dioxide occupy at STP? = 157 L CO2 7 mol CO2 22.4 L 1 mol Change 228 L of O2 at STP to moles. 470 moles 426 moles

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 10b

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Gas Laws Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) Standard temperature: 0?C or 273 K Standard pressure:1 atm, 760 mm Hg, or 101.3 kPa Boyle?s Law The pressure of a dry gas is inversely proportional to its volume if the temperature is held constant. Inverse Proportion two terms related so that, if one term increases, the other term decreases Boyle?s Law P V , PV = k P1V1 = P2V2 As pressure increases, volume decreases. 6 Chemistry textbook, p. 250 7 Chemistry textbook, p. 250 P1V1 = P2V2 Sample Problem 1 A sample of gas occupies 352 mL at a pressure of 3.17 atm. If the P is reduced to 1.24 atm, what volume will result? (3.17 atm)(352 mL) = (1.24 atm)V2 900 mL = V2 A sample of gas occupies 200 mL at a P of 2.15 atm. If the P is reduced to 1.25 atm, what is V2? 344 mL 537 mL 98 mL 89 mL

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 10a

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Properties of Gases Kinetic Theory of Gases Many independent particles Random motion at high speed Separated by great distances Kinetic Theory of Gases Interact only when they collide 5. Elastic collisions Physical Properties of Gases Diffusion Effusion Permeability Compressibility Expansibility Diffusion spontaneous mixing due to particle motion Effusion gas particles passing through a tiny opening into an evacuated area Both diffusion and effusion are directly related to the speed of the gas molecules. rate of effusion for gas 1 Graham?s Law of Effusion rate of effusion for gas 2 = molar mass2 molar mass1 molar massN = 28.02 g/mol Sample Problem 1 Calculate the ratio of effusion rates between nitrogen (N2) and Argon (Ar). molar massAr = 39.95 g/mol rate of effusion for gas 1

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 9b

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Stoichiometry 1 Literally means ?to measure the elements? Answers questions like?How much is needed?? and ?How much is produced?? Stoichiometry Unit analysis 365 days 1 year 24 hrs 1 day 3600 sec. 1 hr 1 year How many seconds are in a year? = 31,536,000 sec. Unit analysis We use unit analysis in stoichiometric problems also. Grams-to-moles conversion factors are found in the periodic table. Unit analysis Mole-to-mole conversion factors are found in the coefficients of the equation. A mole-to-mole conversion changes moles of one substance to moles of another substance. ?Skeleton Equation?

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 8d

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Types of Reactions Types of Reactions There are four types of reactions. Synthesis Decomposition Single replacement Double replacement Occurs when two substances unite Synthesis A + B AB Synthesis 2 Mg + O2 2 MgO magnesium(element) oxygen(element) magnesium oxide(compound) 4 Occurs when a substance splits into parts Decomposition AB A + B Decomposition hydrogen(element) oxygen(element) water(compound) 2 H2O 2 H2 + O2 6 Occurs when a more active substance replaces one part of a compound that is less active Single Replacement Y X + X Y Z Z + Single Replacement hydrogen(element) potassiumhydroxide(compound) water(compound) potassium(element) 2 K + 2 H2O H2 + 2 KOH 8 These reactions are also called displacement or substitution reactions. Single Replacement

Bob Jones PPT Notes -- Chapter 8c

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Writing Equations Chemical Equations Math equations show equalities. Chemical equations show processes (one chemical changes to another chemical). A Chemical Equation Must: Identify all the substances involved. Show the composition of the substances (use formulas). A Chemical Equation Must: Account for all the atoms. (There must be the same number of atoms of every element on both sides of the equation.) Parts of an Equation Reactants Products Coefficients Arrow Example reactants Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 2 H2O + 2 CaCO3 products The ?2? is a coefficient to tell how many molecules of each compound are present. What tells you how many atoms of an element are in a molecule? Symbol Subscript Coefficient Catalyst Question 7 Special Symbols in Equations g?: A gas was produced.


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