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Science history

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History of Science ? ? Illusion ? Delusion - Truth I thought this was Science Course Science is the Truth ?. but but ?.. Science seems to change all the time Hmmmm First Quiz From Fire to Atomism Early Greek Atomic Theory Some thought EVERYTHING was made from water in one of the forms (ice, liquid, gas) Democritus ? atoms differed in only shape and size The concept of the ?nocut? atomos was developed ? SMALLEST BUILDING BLOCK Arostotle ? all matter is composed of four elements ? Earth, air, fire, water The philosopher's stone and the rise of alchemy ?convert cheaper metals into gold finding the?elixir of life ?in the air an "ether" which breathed life into living things Problems with Alchemy


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Crystalline Solids Crystal Lattice ? A 3D array of points where each point has an identical environment. Unit Cell ? The repeating unit (a unit cell is to a crystal, like a ?brick? is in a house). In a given crystal all unit cells are identical. CaF2 Unit Cell Large cation & Large anion r(Cation)/r(Anion) ~0.72 Small cation & Large anion r(Cation)/r(Anion) ~0.3 Cation Anion Anions and cations want to stay in contact with each other, but when the cation becomes much smaller than the anion, anion-anion contacts prevent this. The solution is to lower the coordination number Ionic radii and coordination number Radius Ratio Rules r(cation)/r(anion) Coordination Number Coordination Geometry ? 0.73 8 Cube ? 0.41 6 Octahedron ? 0.22 4 Tetrahedron ? 0.15 3 Trigonal Planar

Atomic Structure

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The Wave Nature of Light All forms of NRG/Light have characteristic wavelengths (?) and frequency (?). Inversely related ? ? = c (the speed of light) Light visible to the naked eye exists as a tiny portion of the electromagnetic spectrum Max Planck Transfer of energy was not continuous Only came in certain values (quantized) ?E = h? h = Planck?s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 Js Packets of energy (quantum Albert Einstein Proposed that electromagnetic radiation was quantized and made up of a stream of particles Photons The dual nature of light ? = h/mv (deBroglie equation) Electrons as Waves Louis de Broglie (1924) Applied wave-particle theory to electrons electrons exhibit wave properties QUANTIZED WAVELENGTHS

Periodic Trends Lecture

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* Chapter 7 Periodic Properties of the Elements John D. Bookstaver St. Charles Community College Cottleville, MO Lecture Presentation Development of Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer independently came to the same conclusion about how elements should be grouped. Development of Periodic Table Mendeleev, for instance, predicted the discovery of germanium (which he called eka-silicon) as an element with an atomic weight between that of zinc and arsenic, but with chemical properties similar to those of silicon. Periodic Trends In this chapter, we will rationalize observed trends in Sizes of atoms and ions. Ionization energy. Electron affinity. Effective Nuclear Charge


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Metabolism and Photosynthesis Chapters 6 & 7 Autotrophs Chloroplasts ? Contain chlorophyll ? Green ? Site of photosynthesis ? Concentrated in leaves Chloroplast Structure Overview of Photosynthesis ? Light Reaction (stage 1) ? Occurs in thylakoid membranes of granna ? Converts light energy to chemical energy ? O2 produced as waste product ? Calvin Cycle (stage 2) ?Melvin Calvin ? Occurs in stroma of chloroplasts ? Synthesizes sugar molecules with CO2 & energy produced in light reactions ? The light reactions ? Convert light energy to chemical energy and produce O2 ? The Calvin cycle assembles sugar molecules from CO2 ? Using ATP and NADPH from the light reactions Figure 7.5 Light CO2H2O Chloroplast LIGHT REACTIONS (in thylakoids) CALVIN CYCLE


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Biology 160 Lecture 1 Introduction, Chemistry and Molecules Introductory Concepts for Studying Biology & Science ? Chapter 1 What is science? ? Knowledge gained through careful observation, experimentation and reasoning. ? Science is: ? Explanatory ? Testable ? Reproducible ? Predictive ? Tentative Questions of Science Scientific discoveries create complex questions: ? Ex. Atom ? Should scientists be free to pursue any research? ? Cloning/Stem cell. ? Should government control scientific progress? ? Progression of science. ? Research normally follows a logical progression. ? Interest focuses on problems that impact humanity. The Importance of Publication ? Results of research are submitted for publication. ? peer review by other

Body Image Essay

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Chris Manguno AP English III 1st Period February 16, 2014 When asked the question, ?is sports a healthy or unhealthy influence on teenagers? thoughts about body image?? you can respond in one of two ways, and the answer you give will depend on your thoughts on sports. Neither of the answers are right nor wrong.

AP bio summer hw ch 2 questions

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AP Biology Summer Assignment Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life Ch. 2- Write the key concepts from chapter 2 (include concept number also). These are listed for you in the front of each chapter. The key concepts from chapter 2 are concept 2.1 which states, ?Matter consists of chemical elements in pure form and in combinations called compounds.? Concept 2.2 which states, ?An element?s properties depend on the structure of its atom.? Concept 2.3 which states, ?The formation and function of molecules depend on chemical bonding between atoms.? And lastly concept 2.4 which states, ?Chemical reactions make and break chemical bonds. Ch. 3- Use illustrations to describe how the structure of a water molecule allows it to form hydrogen bonds with other water molecules.

enzyme rate reaction lab

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Name ____________________________ Per._____ Enzyme Rate of Reaction Introduction: Enzymes are molecular substances found in cells.? Enzymes act as catalysts and most are proteins.? Enzymes bind temporarily to one or more of the reactants of the reaction they catalyze. In doing so, they lower the amount of activation energy needed and thus speed up the reaction.?


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