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campbell biology qusetion 1 test prep chapter 1

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A localized goup of organisms that belong to the same species is called a population.
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Before History- Ch.1

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The evolution of Homo sapiens The hominids Australopithecus Appeared in east Africa about four million to one million years ago Walked upright on two legs; well-developed hands Stone tools; fire later Homo erectus 2.5 million to two hundred thousand years ago, east Africa Large brain; sophisticated tools; definitely knew how to control fire Developed language skills in well-coordinated hunts of large animals Migrated to Asia and Europe; established throughout by two hundred thousand years ago Homo sapiens; evolved as early as two hundred thousand years ago Brain with large frontal regions for conscious and reflective thought Spread throughout Eurasia beginning more than one hundred thousand years ago, Ice age land bridges enabled them to populate other continents

Before History- Ch.1

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The evolution of Homo sapiens The hominids Australopithecus Appeared in east Africa about four million to one million years ago Walked upright on two legs; well-developed hands Stone tools; fire later Homo erectus 2.5 million to two hundred thousand years ago, east Africa Large brain; sophisticated tools; definitely knew how to control fire Developed language skills in well-coordinated hunts of large animals Migrated to Asia and Europe; established throughout by two hundred thousand years ago Homo sapiens; evolved as early as two hundred thousand years ago Brain with large frontal regions for conscious and reflective thought Spread throughout Eurasia beginning more than one hundred thousand years ago, Ice age land bridges enabled them to populate other continents

Biology 10/12 Notes

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Photosynthesis Plants use sun to make glucose Photosynthesisers are base of food chain Too much algae? You got problems Need water Sunlight Nutrients Fertilizer runs into water, increases nutrients, too much algae Too much fish food/waste also does this Dead zone - an area in ocean or lace with scant or little oxygen Increased nutrients Increased algae growth Increased O2 from algae photosynthesis during day At night, respiration decreases O2 Uses up nutrients and die Decomposing bacteria consume/decompose algae Bacteria then blooms Oxygen is decreased even further Anoxic conditions - marine life cannot be supported Organic must have carbon AND hydrogen Chloroplasts - organelles consisting of photosynthetic pigments, enzymes, and other molecules grouped together in membranes

Chapter 5 Thermochemistry

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Chapter 5: Thermochemistry ?Introduction- Energy is defined as the capacity or the ability the to do work i.e. in order to do work energy must be involved Mathematically Represented- Work or Energy = Force x Distance The view of energy can be thought of as physical in nature and contact via the exerted force Chemistry, however, must view energy differently. The study of energy and its transformation, as it applies to chemistry, is know as THERMOCHEMISTRY, along with spontaneity, the two are referred to as THERMODYNAMICS Section 5.1- Nature of Energy The study of chemistry and thermodynamics will involve the concepts of energy, work, and heat KINETIC and POTENTIAL Energy Kinetic ? energy due to an objects motion

APES Review

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Advanced Placement Environmental Science Study Guide APES Exam: May 7, 2012 Developed for Bainbridge High School APES Class by Jason Uitvlugt with support and materials from Kevin Bryan - Woodrow Wilson High School, LAUSD 2 Table of Contents Part 1: The Exam ? About the Exam 3 ? Multiple Choice 3 ? Free Response Questions 4 ? Themes 8 ? Topics 8 Part 2: Vocabulary ? 596 words 12 Part 3: Study Information ? Air Pollution 17 ? Water Quality Test 18 ? Biomes 19 ? Types of Tree Cutting 21 ? US Laws and Acts 22 ? Symbiosis 25 ? Other Species Relationships 25 ? Soils 26 ? Earth Cycles 27 ? Events 29

acid rain

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Name: ________tyler antebi___________________________ Pg.___1 Mrs. Strype - 8 Acid Rain Internet Activity Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the burning of fossil fuels react with water and oxygen to form acids. Rainwater is naturally slightly acidic, but this additional acid makes it even more so. Acid rain harms wildlife and upsets the balance of an ecosystem. In this activity, you'll learn what acid rain is and how you can help reduce it. Go to the website What is Acid Rain? What's the definition of acid rain? Acid rain is referring to a mixture of wet and dry materials from the atmosphere containing high amounts acid. Compare wet and dry deposition. Wet Acidic rain, Snow, Fog Acids fall in types of wet or moist weather. Dry Dust, Smoke

acid rain

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Name: ________tyler antebi___________________________ Pg.___1 Mrs. Strype - 8 Acid Rain Internet Activity Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the burning of fossil fuels react with water and oxygen to form acids. Rainwater is naturally slightly acidic, but this additional acid makes it even more so. Acid rain harms wildlife and upsets the balance of an ecosystem. In this activity, you'll learn what acid rain is and how you can help reduce it. Go to the website What is Acid Rain? What's the definition of acid rain? Acid rain is referring to a mixture of wet and dry materials from the atmosphere containing high amounts acid. Compare wet and dry deposition. Wet Acidic rain, Snow, Fog Acids fall in types of wet or moist weather. Dry Dust, Smoke

Chapter 1-3

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Period One: to 600 B.C.E Paleolithic Period: Humans migrated from Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas Adapted to different environmental settings Developed various technologies Fire (hunting, protection, warmth) Created economic structures (some trade) Development of Agriculture Mesopotamia - first place Nile River Valley Sub-Saharan Africa Indus River Valley Yellow River or Huang He Valley Neolithic Revolution Warming Climates Agriculture appeared (food reliable and surplus) Pastoralism Changes to Environment (irrigation) Domestication of Animals Population increased Social Complexity/Specialization of Labor Social Classes and Forced Labor System Women were the first farmers Improvements in Agricultural Production, Trade and Transportation Pottery Plows


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