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Psyc Ch. 6

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Alkenes are commonly described as unsaturated hydrocarbons because they have the capacity to react with substances that add to them. Alkanes, on the other hand, are saturated hydrocarbons and are incapable of undergoing addition reactions. 6.1 Hydrogenation of Alkenes The relationship between reactants and products in addition reactions can be illustrated by the hydrogenation of alkenes to yield alkanes. Hydrogenation is the addition of H 2 to a multiple bond, as illustrated in the conversion of ethylene to ethane. The reaction is exothermic and is characterized by a negative sign for ?H?. Indeed, hydrogenation of all alkenes is exothermic. The heat given off is called the heat of hydrogenation and cited without a sign. In other words, heat of hydrogenation = -?H?.

Psyc Ch. 4

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Alcohols and Alkyl Halides: Introduction to Reaction Mechanisms In this chapter we explore structure and reactivity in more detail by developing two concepts: functional groups and reaction mechanisms. A functional group is the atom or group in a molecule most responsible for the reaction the compound undergoes under a prescribed set of conditions. How the structure of the reactant is transformed to that of the product is what we mean by the reaction mechanism. 4.1 Functional Groups Table 4.1 lists the major families of organic compounds covered in this text and their functional groups. 4.2 IUPAC Nomenclature of Alkyl Halides The IUPAC rules permit alkyl halides to be named in two different ways, called functional class

General Chemistry Study Exam

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[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] May 14, 2014 Chemistry Study Guide Abby & Thomas Chapter 8: 8.1 Vocabulary Covalent bond- a bond formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms Molecule- a neutral group of atoms joined together by covalent bonds Diatomic molecule- a molecule that contains two atoms Example. Oxygen and Hydrogen Molecular compound- a compound composed of molecules Example. Water Molecular formula- the chemical formula of a molecular compound. A molecular formula shows how many atoms of each element a substance contains Important things to know for 8.1 8.2 Vocabulary Single Covalent bond- a bond formed when two atoms share one pair of electrons

Ap Biology Chapter 10 Guide

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Chapter 10: Photosynthesis ?Photosynthesis is the process that converts solar energy into chemical energy ?Directly or indirectly, photosynthesis nourishes almost the entire living world This chapter is as challenging as the one you just finished on cellular respiration. However, conceptually, it is a little easier because the concepts learned in Chapter 9: Chemiosmosis, and an electron transport system play a central role in photosynthesis. 1. As a review, define the terms autotroph and heterotroph. Keep in mind that plants have mitochondria and chloroplasts and do both cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

Ap Biology Ch41 study guide

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AP Biology Guided Reading Chapter 41 1. Contrast the terms undernourished, overnourished and malnourished? Undernourished is when an animal does not have enough nutrients and therefore does not have enough energy, while overnourished is when the animal have too much nutrients, which will be stored as fat. Malnourished is when an animal does not have enough of one or more essential nutrients. A person can be overnourished, but still be malnourished if they are lacking one or more essential nutrients. ? 2. What are essential amino acids and essential fatty acids? Essential amino acids and fatty acids are ones that the organism cannot make and therefore must obtain in their diet. ? 3. Contrast vitamins and minerals.

Chapter 10

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Chemistry 1210: Introduction to General Chemistry Dr. Gina M. Florio 26 Nov. 2012 Jespersen, Hyslop, & Brady Chapter 10 Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure VSEPR Theory Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Model: 1. e- pairs repel each other 2. e- pairs position themselves in 3D to minimize repulsion Molecules have well defined shapes based on their electronic structure. Molecular Structure: Shapes of molecules The shapes of molecules are derived from 5 different geometric structures that are classified by number of electron domains contained around the central atom. Two types of electron domains: Bonding domains (e- pairs in bonds) Nonbonding domains (e- pairs associated with a single atom)

Chapter 9

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Chemistry 1210: Introduction to General Chemistry Dr. Gina M. Florio 15 Nov. 2012 Jespersen, Brady, Hyslop Chapter 9 Chemical Bonding: General Concepts Ionic Bonds Ch. 9.2 Ionic bonds are the attraction between positive and negative ions in an ionic compound. e.g. NaCl An electron is transferred from the metal (Na) to the nonmetal (Cl): Ionic compounds form when metals and nonmetals react and they are held together by ionic bonds. Compounds (ionic and molecular) are formed due to a decrease (lowering) of the potential energy of system. Net energy change associated with the electron transfer reaction. So, why does NaCl (s) form at all? 2 Lattice Energy of Ionic Compounds Ch. 9.2 The energy needed to produce separated gaseous ions from one mole of the solid is the lattice energy:

Chapter 8

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Chemistry 1210: Introduction to General Chemistry Dr. Gina M. Florio 05 November 2012 Jespersen, Brady & Hyslop Chapter 8 The Quantum Mechanical Atom Quantum Mechanics Ch. 8.1 The physics that describes objects with wave-particle duality is called quantum mechanics or quantum theory. In the late 1800?s, scientists discovered that electrons acted like tiny charged particles in some experiments and waves in others. Quantum mechanics accurately describes the structure and reactivity of atoms and molecules. Electromagnetic Radiation Ch. 8.1 Energy can be transferred as heat or as light. Electromagnetic radiation can be carried energy through space in the form of electromagnetic waves.

Chapter 7

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Chemistry 1210: Introduction to General Chemistry Dr. Gina M. Florio 18 October 2012 Brady, Jespersen, Hyslop Chapter 7 Energy & Chemical Change Thermochemistry: the study of energy flow during a chemical reaction Ch. 7.1 Energy: the ability to do work; often measured as heat Kinetic Energy: the energy of motion; KE = ?mv2 Potential Energy: stored or positional energy; chemical energy (no simple eqn.) Conservation of Energy: 1. Energy cannot be created or destroyed 2. Energy is only converted from one form to another (KE ? PE) 3. Total energy of the universe (or an isolated system) is constant Thermochemistry: Basic Definitions Units of Energy 1 Joule (J) ? the KE possessed by a 2 kg object moving at a velocity of 1 m/s 1 cal = 4.184 J (exactly) 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ

Chapter 6

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Chemistry 1210: Introduction to General Chemistry Dr. Gina M. Florio 11 October 2012 Jespersen, Brady and Hyslop Chapter 6 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Reactions that involve the transfer of electrons are called oxidation-reduction or redox reactions. Oxidation is the loss of electrons by a reactant. Reduction is the gain of electrons by a reactant LEO the lion goes GER! LEO: Losing Electrons during Oxidation GER: Gaining Electrons during Reduction Redox Reactions Redox Reactions In a balanced redox reaction, the total number of electrons lost by one substance is the same as the total number of electrons gained by the other. Oxidizing agent ? the substance that accepts the electrons. Reducing agent ? the substance that gives up the electrons.


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